From the president's desk October 2007, SAIMC It is once again the time for the SAIMC Banquet. This function has become a highlight of the year for all working within the instrumentation industry. It is an opportunity to renew old acquaintances, ...
Regulations, reservation and registration October 2007, SAIMC At the 7th SAIMC branch and technology meeting held on 15 August, guest speaker Ivor Evans gave an interesting presentation on the topical subject of the reservation of engineering work and registration. ...
Durban branch news October 2007, SAIMC At Durban branch's successful Industry Forum breakfast event held on 22 August, two professional presentations were delivered to a lively audience.
Cornu Perold presented a précis of his Dissertation ...
Zambia branch news October 2007, SAIMC At our recent meeting, Radomon Measurements presented a talk on laser instrumentation. The laser presentation covered level control, volumetric scanning, conveyor belt scanning and positioning and the ...
From the president's desk September 2007, SAIMC Strikes and panic buying - why the hype? We have recently endured a strike by the petroleum workers and it had the whole country in a panic. There were long queues at the petrol stations, shortages, and ...
Durban branch news September 2007, SAIMC In support of SAIMC's ongoing education drive which is aimed at encouraging students and building skills in the area of instrumentation and control, the SAIMC certificate and a cheque for best control ...
Johannesburg branch news September 2007, SAIMC The 6th SAIMC branch and technology evening meeting was held on 11 July at the usual Rivonia venue. Achieving commercial bid compliance
Our speaker was Jonathan Lee, head of the Procurement Department ...
From the president's desk August 2007, SAIMC I was asked to chair the third day of the Second Annual Bulk Liquid Storage Tanks Conference held from 25 to 27 June at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre. The feedback from the 47 delegates was ...
SAIMC Durban branch August 2007, SAIMC Industry Forum EventDate: Wednesday 22 August 2007 Time: 7h00 for 7h15 Venue: Durban Country Club Price: R50 for SAIMC members and R75 for non-members
This will be a breakfast event with two presentations.
Cornu ...
Johannesburg branch news August 2007, SAIMC Away meeting
The 5th SAIMC branch meeting was held as an 'away' technology evening on 13 June at Wits University. Paulo da Silva presented a brief overview of the history of the SAIMC and Prof. Ian Jandrell ...
From the president's desk July 2007, SAIMC I was interested in something recently written by Jim Pinto that made me decide that in reality we know a lot about nothing.
He mentioned: "Around the world, honeybees are vanishing, leaving humans desperately ...
Johannesburg branch news July 2007, SAIMC I cannot believe the time, where is it going ... Is it happening to everybody or just me? I have heard lots of people saying that they do not have time for this and they do not have time for that ... ...
SAIMC Secunda branch news July 2007, SAIMC This is long overdue but sometimes you have to simmer the pot slowly to bring out the real flavour of the ingredients.
The Secunda branch kicked off on a very challenging note this year. Not only did ...
Durban branch news July 2007, SAIMC Durban Branch 2007 event plan
The Durban branch has organised many excellent presentations on a wide variety of topics over the last few years, but despite this we have been facing ever-dwindling numbers ...
From the president's desk June 2007, SAIMC I have just been contacted by one of our previous presidents, who is still active in the education of people in the application of science in industry. He is involved with a worthy enterprise, and many ...
Johannesburg branch June 2007, SAIMC We have had record attendance at our last two meetings. The presentation on the biofuels industry generated a lot of audience participation for Andrew Makenete, president of SA Biofuels Association (SABA). ...
SAIMC Zambia branch news June 2007, SAIMC The SAIMC Zambian Branch celebrated a successful third anniversary on 1 May. Members and the branch executive pledged to forge ahead and to continue to contribute to the industry in Zambia, in the field ...
SAIMC Johannesburg branch golf day June 2007, SAIMC Do not forget the SAIMC Johannesburg branch golf day on 29 June 2007 at Kempton Park Country Club. Tee off times from 10h00 and the competition format is 4-ball Stableford Alliance. Entries are limited ...
From the president's desk May 2007, SAIMC I have mentioned the skills shortage many times and there are all sorts of initiatives either in progress or stalled. Let us now leave this subject and look on the other side of this issue.
There is ...