Johannesburg branch news

May 2008 SAIMC

On 12 March 2008 we hosted the Council Annual General Meeting with attendance from the other SAIMC branches. As per tradition our speaker was the incoming SAIMC president Paulo da Silva who made his address after we had received the 2007 president’s report by Vivian MacFayden and the AGM had been concluded. Afterwards we all enjoyed mingling and sampling the catering. Thanks to you Vivian for your leadership and all the hard work during your term as president. We salute you and are proud of you. Paulo, congratulations with your new office and be assured of the ongoing support of the Johannesburg branch of the SAIMC. Feel welcome to attend our committee meetings and our branch activities, even if your visit is unannounced and on the spur of the moment.

In his outgoing president’s report, Vivian MacFayden expressed that it had been a privilege to be the SAIMC president and trusted that he had executed his tasks adequately. He thanked the councillors, the various Branch committees, the SAIMC members and the secretariat. He then elaborated on the various initiates the SAIMC had focused on, namely: the relationship with ECSA; the Instrumentation and Control work group within E-SETA and the education and training initiatives. He made special mention of the importance of student members and also the wonderful progress the Zambian Branch had made with recruiting student members. He ended by thanking all attendees for their time.

The incoming president’s presentation, by Paulo da Silva, consisted of 15 slides highlighting the Council’s responsibilities as being: strategic guidance of the Institute; ensuring advancement of the Institute and the terms contained in the constitution and administration of the Institute, liaison with other bodies such as ECSA. In closing he elaborated on the three key focus areas for 2008/2009: more assistance to the branches; better communication and ECSA re-alignment to ensure more value for our members.

We welcomed Secunda, Zambia and Durban branches who were represented respectively by Kobus Reinecke, Jones Kalela, Leo Chikasa and Kevin McElroy. To all our other visitors – we trust that you enjoyed our hospitality and that there was enough to eat and drink.

See you at the next meeting.

Bill Steenberg


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