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Durban branch
September 2009, SAIMC
At the SAIMC Durban technology evening held on 5 August the enthusiastic turnout was treated to an interesting presentation by Cindy Montague of Schneider Electric on Schneider’s involvement in the Durban, ...

From the president's desk
August 2009, SAIMC
We thank our Patrons. The SAIMC is the institute of choice for all persons and organisations working in the automation, measurement and control industry. Companies associated with this business; either ...

Johannesburg branch
August 2009, SAIMC
Attendance has been on the up this year, largely thanks to some very interesting presenters – Gary Friend of Extech (on Foundation Fieldbus implementation); Conrad Mueller of Beckhoff on EtherCat; and ...

Secunda branch
August 2009, SAIMC
The Technology Evening held in June was very successful. We all thought that the attendance would be down from previous months due to the very cold weather we have been experiencing on the Highveld. Much ...

Durban branch
August 2009, SAIMC
At the Durban branch Technology Evening in August Dave Wibberley gave an entertaining presentation on alarm management coupled with a fascinating video on the value of data by Hans Rosling. Dave used ...

From the president's desk
July 2009, SAIMC
Every time I sign into my e-mail there are new membership applications awaiting approval. We have had a flood of new applications over the past two months. Together with chasing up 2009 fees and processing ...

Secunda branch
July 2009, SAIMC
May 2009 has once again been a very busy month for the Secunda branch. It started with the technology evening hosted by VEGA Instruments. Clint Viviers gave a very interesting presentation on nuclear ...

Johannesburg branch
July 2009, SAIMC
What you missed in May Gary Friend of Extech Safety Systems gave a fascinating presentation on the conceptual differences between fieldbus (especially Foundation Fieldbus) and 4–20 mA. He pointed out ...

Durban branch
July 2009, SAIMC
Frikkie van Zyl and Piet van Huyssteen gave an enlightening presentation at the last Durban branch technology evening. Both were members of the team from North West University who won the 2008 Siemens ...

From the president's desk
June 2009, SAIMC
Fifty-first year of the SAIMC and still the ‘Institute of Choice’: this is truly an achievement and our membership in 2009 has been growing at a phenomenal rate. Membership applications completed on our ...

Durban branch news
June 2009, SAIMC
At the Durban branch May meeting we were delighted to host Johannes de Vries (M-TECH Electrical Engineering) Tshwane University of Technology (TUT). De Vries is excited about all things robotic and addressed ...

July technology evening
June 2009, SAIMC
The topic for the July technology evening organised by the Durban branch of the SAIMC will be Alarm Management and will be held on Wednesday 1 July 2009. Dave Wibberley, who will be presenting this paper, ...

From the president's desk
May 2009, SAIMC
News announcement and name change. At a special meeting held at Rivonia Country Club on 18 March members voted overwhelmingly to change the name of the SAIMC (The) South African Institute of Measurement ...

Cape Town branch
May 2009, SAIMC
For the Cape Town branch of the SAIMC, 2009 has begun with a history lesson and back to the basics of engineering approach. This was ensured by Hendrik Keyzer of Real Time Solutions who delivered a passionate ...

Durban branch
May 2009, SAIMC
The SAIMC Durban branch April technology evening was well attended with the audience eager to hear Carl Reinecke’s presentation titled: Earthing for instrumentation – applied witchcraft or engineering? ...

Johannesburg branch
May 2009, SAIMC
It is April 2009 and the Johannesburg branch has had its first opportunity to meet and have a technology evening for its members and visitors. We have a jam-packed plan for 2009. Our aim is to present ...

Secunda branch
May 2009, SAIMC
They say time flies when you are having fun. We are certainly having fun here in Secunda and all our activities for the year are in full swing.    The committee for 2009 is as follows:    * Peter Zietsman...

From the president's desk
April 2009, SAIMC
Well, what does this mean to me? When I look back at the list of past presidents from our early beginnings, the first president being elected back in 1958, I realise that the Institute has entered its ...

Durban branch
April 2009, SAIMC
The March technology evening was a big success thanks to Mervyn Gans who gave us a well structured and interesting presentation on instrument protective systems.    The April technology evening will be ...

Cape Town branch
April 2009, SAIMC
The 2009 CT AGM was well attended by the usual group of core individuals that are driving the SAIMC vision and mission in the region. The evening was kicked off by Johan van Jaarsveld who gave the group ...


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