The Annual Banquet to be held on 5 November is fully sold out with 220 seats. This year’s sponsoring companies in alphabetical order were:
* Beckhoff
* Burkert Contromatic
* EE Publishers
* Endress+Hauser
* Extech
* Haipeng Zhang
* Hiprom
* Instrotech
* Liquid Automation Systems
* Meter Systems
* Secunda Branch
* Siemens
* Technews
* Wika
* Yokogawa SA
Membership issues
To allow for persons with different capabilities within the instrument industry, or in recognition of the person’s contribution to the SAIMC, we have different categories of membership within the society, these include: Affiliate Member, Student Member, Member, Senior Member, Fellow Member, Life Fellow Member, and Retired Member.
You are entitled to request an upgrade should you wish by applying in writing. The decision would be at the discretion of the council who will review your application.
We have a number of members over the age of 60 who have been part of the society for 10 years or more and are now working as consultants or have officially retired but still want to be kept in touch with the industry. These are the people with extensive experience and knowledge. It was discussed and a decision was made by the National Council that there is no way that we can afford to lose this wealth of knowledge by allowing these members to be lost to us and the industry. We want to encourage these persons to remain members for life by keeping us updated of their contact details on an annual basis and in return they will not be charged any membership fees and will remain on our database with full membership rights and will continue to receive our monthly SAI&C magazine.
At our monthly branch meetings held across southern Africa an attendance register is kept of members and visitors. We refer to these visitors as interested parties with whom the branches keep contact in order to eventually enrol them as members. These registers are kept up-to-date by the branch secretaries and a copy is kept by our general secretary on council for ECSA CPD Point auditing purposes. It has always been our policy that the SAIMC does not disclose personal information regarding any of its members or guests. Because this has been challenged, it has been necessary for the SAIMC Council to reiterate this decision at the 23 September, 2009 meeting and has been recorded in our 2009 decision register. No member information, including those on branch meeting attendance registers, may be distributed to any third parties including the presenter or sponsor. Not only does this protect our members, it protects the SAIMC from legal action against the SAIMC that could result from the distribution of this information. The postal addresses of members are provided in confidence to Technews in order to post the free issue of the SAI&C magazine as a membership benefit. In the event that the SAIMC considers information to be beneficial to members this will only be distributed to the members by the SAIMC themselves, and not by any third party.
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