LEDs reduce maintenance January 2001 Mimic Crafts now offers LED Lamp replacement inserts for most pilot lights, in most colours and for most voltages.
With a 15-year life, LEDs have become the favourite method of illumination for pilot ...
Analog insulation-continuity tester January 2001 Hellermann Tyton offers an insulation-continuity tester that employs a number of safety features to prevent faulty operation and risk to the operator. The Toptronic T1832 instrument has been designed ...
Total machinery protection, condition and performance monitoring December 2000 The Vibro-Meter VM600 System caters for protection and monitoring functions for absolute and relative vibration, tacho, differential and absolute expansion, eccentricity, pressure, temperature, air gap etc.
'Double-barrelled' ground test December 2000 Many electrical tests, and the required instrumentation, complement each other. What one test does not reveal, another will. Spescom MeasureGraph believes that one should not be satisfied with guesswork ...
Water quality monitor December 2000, PREI Instrumentation One of the best ways to quantify the quality of water is to use a continuous turbidity monitoring system. The GLI Accu-4 is the latest generation of turbidity monitoring equipment. By using a four-beam ...
Handheld calibrator with built-in RS232 interface December 2000 The Memocal 2000 handheld calibrator from Ero Electronic has a built-in RS232 interface, features a very low temperature drift (0,1 µV/°C) with an accuracy of 0,014% of the span. The instrument is powered ...
Loop/PSC/load tester December 2000 Hellermann Tyton is offering the Toptronic T1825 loop/PSC/load tester designed to measure the following: * Line earth loop impedance.
* Line neutral AC voltage at zero current.
* Line neutral AC voltage ...
Accurate gas emissions monitor December 2000, Spero Sensors & Instrumentation The Oldham E6200 is a continuous stack gas monitor that features accurate measurement with automatic zero and span check, no drift, low maintenance requirements, instantaneous reading of up to six gases ...
Reproducible hardness measurement November 2000 Diamond indenters of an accurate and predictable standard can be manufactured to meet the new industry standard
Microprocessor-based loadcell transmitter November 2000, Instrotech Instrotech has been manufacturing the LCT field mount loadcell transmitter in various forms since 1981. Based on microprocessor technology developed for digital panel meters, the LCT-3 Loadcell Transmitter ...
Measurement kits for user-friendly solutions November 2000, Endress+Hauser South Africa Endress+Hauser is offering a new product line, the Applipac, which aims to satisfy an increasing customer demand for complete, comprehensive measurement process solutions. Ready programmed and adapted ...
Innovative measuring techniques for sewage treatment plants September 2000, Endress+Hauser South Africa A new generation of analyser measuring systems for sewage and wastewater treatment plants has been developed by Staiger Mohilo, recently acquired by Endress+Hauser
An economical way to measure conductivity September 2000, KROHNE Electrodeless conductivity measuring systems from Mettler Toledo have been designed to cover a wide range of applications in the chemical processing and pulp and paper industries, including monitoring ...
New cost-effective transmitter line for measuring high conductivity values September 2000, KROHNE This line of 4-wire instruments and loop-powered 2-wire instruments is the logical extension of the family of cost-effective transmitters Mettler Toledo recently introduced for pH, dissolved oxygen, and ...
Easy-to-use dynamometer indicator September 2000, Instrotech Instrotech's new locally manufactured dynamometer indicator is self-contained and easy to use, offering all the features of more expensive systems. The Model 5014 is used to measure engine power or road ...
Slots department is pleased with its choice of test equipment September 2000 The slots department of Caesars Gauteng has been using Fluke instruments for only three months and says that remarkable results are already evident. The seven units, supplied by Spescom MeasureGraph, ...
Documenting process calibrator saves users time July 2000 Samancor's ferro chrome division is pleased with the time it is saving with the Fluke 744 documenting process calibrator that it bought from Spescom MeasureGraph (SMG). The Fluke 744 is used in Ferro ...
Network heros empowered to solve network challenges July 2000 The use of a Fluke Lanmeter saved the day for American company, Computerwise, when a hospital refrigerator forming part of an installed system developed a faulty capacitor. Similarly, Wafertech, a Washington-based ...