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more information about SAIMC

Johannesburg branch news
November 2007, SAIMC

The eighth SAIMC branch and technology evening meeting was held on 12 September at the Rivonia Recreation Club. The presentation was 'Lightning and Surge Protection - the myths unravelled regarding ...
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Zambia branch news
November 2007, SAIMC

The SAIMC Zambia branch held its Process Instrumentation and Automation exhibition 31 August at the Hotel Edinburgh in Kitwe. The theme was 'Connecting instrumentation and automation products and service ...
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From the president's desk
October 2007, SAIMC

It is once again the time for the SAIMC Banquet. This function has become a highlight of the year for all working within the instrumentation industry. It is an opportunity to renew old acquaintances, ...
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Regulations, reservation and registration
October 2007, SAIMC

At the 7th SAIMC branch and technology meeting held on 15 August, guest speaker Ivor Evans gave an interesting presentation on the topical subject of the reservation of engineering work and registration. ...
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Durban branch news
October 2007, SAIMC

At Durban branch's successful Industry Forum breakfast event held on 22 August, two professional presentations were delivered to a lively audience. Cornu Perold presented a précis of his Dissertation ...
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Zambia branch news
October 2007, SAIMC

At our recent meeting, Radomon Measurements presented a talk on laser instrumentation. The laser presentation covered level control, volumetric scanning, conveyor belt scanning and positioning and the ...
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From the president's desk
September 2007, SAIMC

Strikes and panic buying - why the hype? We have recently endured a strike by the petroleum workers and it had the whole country in a panic. There were long queues at the petrol stations, shortages, and ...
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Durban branch news
September 2007, SAIMC

In support of SAIMC's ongoing education drive which is aimed at encouraging students and building skills in the area of instrumentation and control, the SAIMC certificate and a cheque for best control ...
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Johannesburg branch news
September 2007, SAIMC

The 6th SAIMC branch and technology evening meeting was held on 11 July at the usual Rivonia venue.       Achieving commercial bid compliance Our speaker was Jonathan Lee, head of the Procurement Department ...
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Johannesburg branch golf day
August 2007, SAIMC

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From the president's desk
August 2007, SAIMC

I was asked to chair the third day of the Second Annual Bulk Liquid Storage Tanks Conference held from 25 to 27 June at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre. The feedback from the 47 delegates was ...
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SAIMC Durban branch
August 2007, SAIMC

Industry Forum Event    Date: Wednesday 22 August 2007    Time: 7h00 for 7h15    Venue: Durban Country Club    Price: R50 for SAIMC members and R75 for non-members This will be a breakfast event with two presentations. Cornu ...
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