Measuring total hydrocarbons in water November 2001 The Series DHIR 2000 infrared hydrocarbon analyser from Honeywell conducts measurements at 3420 nm for the total aliphatic hydrocarbons and at 3300 nm for the aromatic hydrocarbons, at measuring ranges ...
Measuring high temperatures with immersion thermowells November 2001 Like ordinary thermocouples, the high temperature IRt/c models can be used with immersion thermowells to measure high temperature gases or liquids while maintaining the integrity of the vessel. However, ...
Subminiature incremental encoder November 2001, Timecount Measuring a compact 20 mm in length and with a diameter of 18 mm, a new subminiature incremental encoder with shaft or hollow shaft offers a high resolution of up to 500 impulses. The IVO GI340/GI360 ...
Power quality analyser has extended functionality October 2001 The improved user interface of the Fluke 43B makes it easy to operate, while its enhanced dynamic and intermittent fault tracking functionalities, including new three-phase power measurements and harmonics logging, add valuable test capabilities
Automated potable water analysis October 2001 The Tytronics Sentinel was the first on-line analyser dedicated to the monitoring of wastewater. It is used extensively to detect the presence of fluoride, chlorine, ammonia, manganese, phosphate, nitrate, ...
Pump station gas detection October 2001 Scott/Bacharach, represented locally by MeasureTech, a Tyco International company, has a unique pump station gas detection system within its sizeable array of products.
In sewage pumping/lift stations, ...
Methane monitoring system has full directive compliance October 2001, Spero Sensors & Instrumentation The Department of Minerals and Energy Directive B7 (1994) requires that all underground continuous mining machines be equipped with an interlocking system that will trip the cutting drum in the event ...
In situ gas analysis September 2001, Spero Sensors & Instrumentation It is possible to obtain exact measurement signals directly from the heart of the most adverse incineration environments
Monitor up to five gases September 2001 The TX6522 from Trolex allows the monitoring of up to five combinations of toxic and flammable gases. The unit can be user-configured by smart plug-in gas-sensing modules: * Infrared gas sensors for ...
Second failsafe control system contributes to a safer SAPREF September 2001 Efficient fire and gas detection in conjunction with spot-on emergency shutdown procedures in a petroleum refinery is critical to ensuring a working environment that complies with international occupational ...
Expandable environment logger implementation August 2001 By using two processes for logging and storing the results in database, logging will never be interrupted by the database storage that sometimes might be slow
Innovative new water/wastewater sampler August 2001 Operating on the peristaltic pump principle, Endress + Hauser's Liqui-Port 2000 portable sampler can be used in any water or wastewater application where sampling is required, drawing between 20 ml and ...
Affordable thermal imaging camera August 2001 Thermokinetix Systems, represented locally by Dynamic Instrumentation, has introduced what it describes as "an affordable, portable thermal imaging camera - the Thermonitor IR 150". Predictive maintenance ...
Fixed gas detector range July 2001 The latest offering in fixed gas monitor technology from Oldham France, the 300 series is a range of fixed gas monitors for measurement of oxygen, flammable and toxic gases including solvents and refrigerants. ...
Portable coal dust analyser July 2001 Said to be a world-first, the SafeDust portable stonedust analyser, developed by NECSA, is to be marketed in future by suitably qualified distributors, following a decision by NTP management to confine ...
Universal hydrocarbon gas detector July 2001 The Model 4688IR Infrared Combustible Gas Transmitter from Scott/Bacharach, a Tyco International company, provides features unavailable on any many standalone gas transmitters.
The instrument is supplied ...
Portable gas beacon for safety in the field July 2001 The BM22 has been specially designed for operation in harsh environments. It is compact, rugged, equipped with a large flashing beacon, a loud audible alarm and offers long battery life. Designed for ...
Ash-in-coal monitor July 2001 The Kangela on-line ash-in-coal monitor employs the dual energy gamma ray (DUET) transmission principle of operation and is well established as a means of improving quality control in the mining sector. ...
Zirconia oxygen/humidity analysers July 2001 Yokogawa is offering what it calls the next generation of zirconia oxygen/humidity measurement products. The EXAxt ZR series zirconia products are developed from the proven ZA8/Z021 series of instruments. ...
Range of analytical systems July 2001, ABB South Africa ABB's analytical product range encompasses ABB Extrel, ABB Process Analytics, ABB Pastech, ABB Kent, Bomem and Hartmann & Braun, with a resource of over 75 products to choose from.
Areas covered include: