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SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
June 2016, SAIMC
Swagelok is one of the international sponsors of the Bloodhound SSC project. Bill Peet, managing director of Swagelok SA, introduced this engineering adventure and its importance in attracting young people ...

SAIMC: Tshwane/Pretoria branch
June 2016, SAIMC
The past month was another busy one with the SAIMC represented at the Capital City Business Chamber/Eskom Energy Efficiency event hosted in the City of Tshwane. Attended by some 150 people from around ...

SAIMC: From the President’s desk
May 2016, SAIMC
Greetings The SAIMC held a successful AGM on the 15 March. I would like to thank the guests, members, patron representatives and members of other constituent societies for their attendance. We, the council, ...

SAIMC: Vaal branch
May 2016, SAIMC
The Vaal branch had its first Technical Evening for the year on 3 March. The topic was “Introduction to 3D” presented by WIKA whose 3D (= Direct Drive Difference) gauges benefits the market through: ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
May 2016, SAIMC
The Durban branch technology meeting was moved to the second Wednesday in April to accommodate the availability of overseas Cyber Security expert, Jay Abdallah, from Schneider Electric.    Abdallah received ...

SAIMC: Secunda branch
May 2016, SAIMC
The Petrochemical Roadshow was hosted in conjunction with the SAIMC at the Sasol Recreation Club in Secunda on Thursday 17 March. I want to thank all members and visitors who attended this exhibition, ...

Pretoria/Tswane branch
May 2016, SAIMC
The latest branch Technology Evening was held at the Centurion Country Club on 6 April. Ai2SA kindly sponsored the evening and managing director Petrus Klopper gave an interesting presentation on ‘Resource ...

SAIMC: Tshwane/Pretoria branch
April 2016, SAIMC
Another first for SAIMC The SAIMC’s Tshwane/Pretoria branch is now making use of an online registration system instead of the traditional paper-based system to process registrations for events. Attendees ...

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
April 2016, SAIMC
At the last Technology Evening, Gary Friend from Extech Safety Systems presented on IS applications.    Intrinsic Safety is a protection technique for safe operation of electrical equipment in hazardous ...

SAIMC: Secunda branch
April 2016, SAIMC
On Thursday 3 March, the Secunda branch hosted its second Technology Evening for 2016. It was the biggest turn out for a Tech Evening yet, with about 50 people attending. A great presentation can be distinguished ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
April 2016, SAIMC
The presentation on “A Strategic Framework for the Management of Process Alarms at the Engen Refinery” drew record attendance at the Durban SAIMC March Technology Evening. Presented by Brian Thompson, ...

SAIMC: From the President’s desk
March 2016, SAIMC
Driving forward Our branches across the country have undertaken their respective annual general meetings and we would like to thank them for the enthusiasm and commitment that will make 2016 another ...

SAIMC: Secunda branch
March 2016, SAIMC
The Secunda Branch ended 2015 on a high note and started 2016 on an even higher one. On 13 November, we hosted our first ever formal branch year-end function at Graceland Casino and Country Club. A total ...

SAIMC: Tshwane/Pretoria branch
March 2016, SAIMC
At this stage it should be no secret that South Africa is in for a bumpy ride in terms of 2016. So, to kick off our year with an AGM designed to assist members with planning, the branch was addressed ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
March 2016, SAIMC
The Durban branch of the SAIMC holds their technology meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each month which means that the dates are as follows:    • 6 April    • 4 May    • 1 June    • 6 July    • 22 July: Golf day, ...

SAIMC: Vaal branch
March 2016, SAIMC
The Vaal branch had its kickoff braai on 5 February. Important dates for the rest of the year are as follows:    • 3 March – Technology Evening.    • 7 April – Technology Evening.    • 5 May – Technology Evening. ...

SAIMC: From the President's desk
February 2016, SAIMC
Exciting times To me, changing times also spell exciting times. A month ago, I made significant changes to my personal and professional life. These changes brought me to the SAIMC’s leadership desk during ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
February 2016, SAIMC
2015 finished on a strong note for the Durban branch with the Branch Patron Exhibition Evening, held in December at the Durban Country Club. Hosted annually, this successful evening gives Branch Patrons ...

SAIMC: Vaal branch
February 2016, SAIMC
For the November Technology Evening, the last for 2015, the Vaal branch had an opportunity to learn about the effects of wireless instruments in hazardous locations.    Gary Friend from Extech showed ...

SAIMC: From the President’s desk
January 2016, SAIMC
New journey – humbling experiences Although daunted, I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as the president of one the most agile and prominent organisations in local industry. Joining ...


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