On Thursday 1 September, the branch held its monthly Technology Evening at Honeywell in Secunda, even though a shutdown was in progress at Sasol. Carmine Canale, an analyser specialist from E+H, spoke about the latest technology with regards to measuring composition for optimising syngas production, process intermediates and end products.
Johan Maritz (left) thanks Carmine Canale after the presentation.
He reminded us that one of the important things to remember is sample conditioning, which is needed according to analyser requirements. Sample conditioning includes:
• Reducing the sample temperature.
• Reducing the sample pressure.
• Cleaning the sample from particles and liquids.
It is important to ensure that the sample conditioning does not alter or change the composition; otherwise, it has limited use to production for control.
Furthermore, Carmine referred to a Raman principal analyser, whereby syngas is analysed by using a laser to excite the molecules and observing the wavelength, or Raman shift. The advantage of the Raman analyser is that it is much less susceptible to changes in pressure and flow rate of the sample, as it does not rely on a vaporiser and accumulator.
The next Technology Evening will be held on 3 November. All presentations earn CPD points for ECSA registered persons and any enquiries can be directed to branch chairman Johan Maritz, [email protected] or 082 856 3865.
Secunda High School visit
On 19 September, the branch visited Secunda High School to create awareness among pupils for control and instrumentation as a career option, as well as the subjects needed in order to pursue it.
Johan Maritz and Marita van den Bergh with some of the students.
The three questions most learners ask during our visits to these schools are:
• What subjects do I need?
• Where do I study/do my trade for this occupation?
• How long does it take to become a technician/engineer?
It is very disappointing when grade 12 learners and their parents realise that the subjects they have taken do not allow them to apply for their chosen field of study. It can even happen when they have chosen the correct subjects, but they do not meet the minimum admission requirements. The branch hopes to minimise these disappointments by creating awareness of the control and instrumentation field among youngsters and scholars.
MESA Africa Summit has been expanded and rebranded SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
We are writing to share some exciting developments regarding the evolution of the MESA Africa Summit, which has been a cornerstone event in industrial automation and manufacturing excellence.
Read more...How to claim CPD points SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
SAIMC makes it possible for you to claim CPD points for attending courses and technical meetings, or completing an online quiz on a SA Instrumentation & Control magazine.
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A couple of sessions at various dealers, a wrong delivery, a failed holiday plan, a two-week unplanned vacation and 32 kg of steel on the back seat awaited us as we left South Africa on a dream holiday. But let me start at the beginning.
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At the most recent SAIMC Secunda technical evening, Jenine Jansen van Vuuren, sales account manager from Comtest Technologies, gave a presentation on the calibration of process instruments.
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The Durban branch of the SAIMC held its October technology meeting, not on the first Wednesday of the month as usual, but on the second Wednesday to accommodate the very interesting presenter, Nico Erasmus from Abacus Automation.
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The October Technology Evening was hosted by Pepperl+Fuchs. Patience Moila, the enterprise mobility expert for sub-Saharan Africa, presented on ‘Lone Worker Protection for the Mobile worker 4.0’.
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Editor's Choice SAIMC
Grey imports are a problem worldwide, not least in the automation industry in South Africa. The Supplier Advisory Council (SAC) operates under the umbrella of SAIMC, and is tackling this problem head-on.
Read more...How to claim CPD points SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
SAIMC makes it possible for you to claim CPD points for attending courses and technical meetings, or completing an online quiz on a SA Instrumentation & Control magazine.
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People depend on accurate information and their own reasoning and belief systems to draw conclusions or make decisions. However, when they are inundated with fake news, the reliability of the information they receive is compromised.