SAIMC: Durban branch

November 2016 SAIMC

The Durban Branch welcomed du Toit Grobler to its Technology evening at the Durban Country Club on 5 October, where he gave an attentive audience a presentation on the topic of Professional Engineering Registration. This was an adaptation of the talk which he has given to other SAIMC branches. It was particularly pleasing to see a large number of young members and visitors in attendance.

Du Toit Grobler (right) being thanked by Hennie Prinsloo.
Du Toit Grobler (right) being thanked by Hennie Prinsloo.

An unexpected bonus was a visit from Dirk van der Walt who chairs one of the SABS technical committees and who came looking for experienced people to support his committee.

Andre Ramroop (right) being presented with his membership certificate.
Andre Ramroop (right) being presented with his membership certificate.

Du Toit provided background information about the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), which is the only body in South Africa that is authorised to register engineering professionals and bestow their use of titles and abbreviations such as Pr Eng, Pr Tech Eng, Pr Techni Eng and Pr Cert Eng. Emphasis was placed on the use of regulatory standards to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the public when doing engineering work, and the accountability of those performing that work.

Sharlin Govender (right) being presented with his membership certificate.
Sharlin Govender (right) being presented with his membership certificate.

His talk covered the academic and experiential requirements for each level of qualification, and he demonstrated how the old and new registration systems operate while showing the benefits arising from early registration after obtaining the appropriate academic qualification.

His talk prompted an energetic question and answer session, of which those of general interest can be viewed at

The evening concluded with networking over a meal and drinks to the high standard maintained by the Durban Country Club.


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