SA Instrumentation & Control - Control Loop

Control Loop

Good control requires obedient valves
February 2005, Michael Brown Control Engineering, Valves, Actuators & Pump Control
A feedback controller effectively calculates the amount of product that is required to be fed into the process. If, for example, the output (process demand - PD) of the controller is sitting at 50%, the ...

Poor control performance is a worldwide phenomenon
December 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Based on my experience in every one of the several hundred plants where I have performed optimisation, less than 5% of all loops in automatic operate at all effectively. ...

Are smart positioners the answer to all valve problems?
October 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, Valves, Actuators & Pump Control
Over the many years that I have been writing these articles in the Case Histories series, the one theme that re-occurs very frequently is problems encountered with valves. In recent years I have been ...

Problems in the control of steel reheat furnaces - Part 2
July 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
In the previous Case History article, published in the May 2004 issue, some of the control problems encountered on the first visit to optimise two reheat furnaces in a steel plant were described. Open ...

Problems in the control of steel reheat furnaces
May 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, Valves, Actuators & Pump Control
A few months ago I was commissioned to optimise the controls of two large reheat furnaces in a steel manufacturing plant. The client was aware that furnaces were consuming gas at a rate that was very ...

Cutting losses by improving the performance of base layer controls
March 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
This article was recently published in a leading magazine serving the pulp and paper industry - however, I think many of the regular readers of my articles will find it interesting. Few people are aware ...

Mould level control in continuous casting machines
January 2004, Michael Brown Control Engineering, Level Measurement & Control
One of the more difficult types of processes that I have been asked to optimise, is the level control of the mould in a continuous casting machine found in large steel manufacturing plants. A basic diagram ...

Hope for the teaching of practical control
September 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, Training & Education
In many of my previous articles I have highlighted the fact that the vast majority of control practitioners have no real understanding of the practical aspects of regulatory control. They have found that ...

Tricky pressure control in a distillation column
July 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Pressure has a major effect on the separation and cut in a distillation column, and column stability can be dramatically hampered if there is poor pressure control. One of the most common ways of controlling ...

The amazing problem-free plant
June 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Just before starting on this piece, I read a fascinating article by a valve manufacturer in the April issue of SA Instrumentation & Control, which mentioned a case where a relatively small 1,4% improvement ...

Flow loops behaving badly: case history 70
April 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
I have lost count of the number of times I have been told that flow loops are very simple things, that they are easy to tune, that you do not need a tuning package to tune them, that they can be tuned ...

Filters - the great deceivers
March 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
Noise on the PV signal was discussed in the previous loop signature article, and it was mentioned that it is generally better to live with the noise rather than filtering it out; provided it does not ...

Some unusual integrating processes
February 2003, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
As mentioned in previous articles, all industrial processes fall into one of two classes of dynamics, known as self-regulating and integrating. In particular refer to Loop Signature No. 2 for a full description ...

Control loop case history 68: control mayhem on a mine
December 2002, Michael Brown Control Engineering, System Integration & Control Systems Design
I have often written about the dearth of understanding of practical control, which is largely due to the generally purely theoretical teaching of process control at educational institutions. I have also ...

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