Portable flue gas oxygen analyser for optimising burn mixture April 2004 Safe and economic combustion of gas and fuel oils relies on the correct ratio of fuel and air being provided to the burner. The traditional method to achieve this was very subjective, as it relied on ...
Faster moisture analyser March 2004 Ametek's Model 3050 OLV process moisture analyser uses a fundamentally different technology, namely a quartz-crystal oscillator to measure moisture. It allows moisture molecules to sit on the surface ...
Luminescent technology for dissolved oxygen March 2004, PREI Instrumentation The Hach Dissolved Oxygen (LDO) probe, available from PREI Instrumentation, works quite differently from the galvanic and polarographic methods that have been used for more than 50 years. There are no ...
Realtime on-line petroleum analyser February 2004 The PSPI/PetroSpec 42500D/E models are realtime, on-line petroleum process analysers for accurate multicomponent petroleum analysis. Economical and easy to operate, they provide on-line convenience with ...
In-situ dust concentration and opacity monitor February 2004 The new D-R 290 monitor from Durag is designed for continuous opacity or dust monitoring of flue gas in stacks and ductwork. It is suitable for systems firing coal, fuel oil or a mixture of fuels in converter ...
Roadshow storms into Nelspruit January 2004 Trucks, trailers, vans and an army of highly skilled personnel invaded Nelspruit on 20 November 2003. At this point one must wonder how different life would be here without the Venter trailer. This was ...
Ram-Tec performs seamless changeover at busy brewery January 2004 Until recently, Chamdor Brewery on the West Rand has been the Cinderella of the SA Breweries group, living in the shadow of the super-breweries such as Alrode, Prospecton and Rosslyn. Recent developments ...
Robust and versatile portable flue gas analyser December 2003, Instrotech Lancom III is a new addition to the range of portable flue gas analysers from Land Instruments International, supplied locally by Instrotech.
The instrument has the capability to monitor up to nine gases, ...
Electromagnetic radiation and human safety November 2003, Accutronics The Department of Health is responsible for administering the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act 15 of 1973), which may include most high-power electrical systems and most transmission equipment.
Flue gas analysis November 2003 New electrochemical gas sensors offer rapid availability of the measured values, small space requirements, maintenance by the user and low manufacturing costs
Radiological surveillance systems November 2003, Omniflex Remote Monitoring Specialists The Maxiflex I/O system is designed to provide a cost effective and flexible means of interfacing any radiation monitor to the building or site-wide scada system
Quality control in metal making November 2003 Many microscope users do not know that microscopes can be applied not only in medicine and biology, but also in the materials sector in the steel, automotive and mechanical engineering sectors. Swiss ...
Power quality analysis system November 2003, Timecount The Swiss designed Mavolog power quality analyser range of instruments, which can be used by power distributors and large industries for long-term monitoring of energy supplies, is available from Timecount. ...
Process mass spectrometer November 2003 Ametek has introduced the ProLine Series of process mass spectrometers for fast and reliable multiport, multicomponent process analysis. Capable of realtime process monitoring of up to 32 components, ...
Electronic personal radiological dosemeter November 2003 The new EPD Mk2 electronic personal dosemeter from Siemens Environmental Systems, together with a range of software solutions, makes it suitable for all sizes of dosimetry applications.
With its advanced ...
Paperless temperature and humidity recorders November 2003, PREI Instrumentation As an innovative alternative to the portable paper chart recorder, the Selene recorder from PREI Instrumentation records atmospheric humidity and/or temperature in its memory, and also displays the information ...
Sulphur and nitrogen process analysers November 2003 Antek Instruments' 6200 Series from OEN Enterprises, consists of sulphur and nitrogen process analysers, using Pyro-fluorescent sulphur and Pyro-chemiluminescent nitrogen technology to provide fast, precise ...