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SAIMC: Richards Bay branch
July 2013, SAIMC
   May Technology Evening – Valve & Automation Karl Charvat, business development manager at Westlock Controls, delivered a presentation on the topic of position monitoring and the use of wireless technology. ...

SAIMC: Zambian branch
July 2013, SAIMC
The Zambia Branch undertook a site visit to Indeni Oil Refinery Petroleum in Ndola during May. Thirty-nine members that included student members from Northern Technical College (Nortec) led by process ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
July 2013, SAIMC
The Durban branch’s June Technology Evening was kindly sponsored by Endress+Hauser and Cédric Jeanneret, head of sales and business development - Flowtec, Switzerland, was in the country and took time ...

SAIMC: From the president’s desk
June 2013, SAIMC
   It has been another busy month for the SAIMC. We have completed the strategic planning session, participated in the very successful Process Show, surveyed our members regarding the rebranding and ...

SAIMC: Cape Town branch
June 2013, SAIMC
   April Technology Evening The branch hosted its April Technology Evening at the Eskom marketing centre in Edgemead. The presenter was Alex Tanner from VMware who presented on ‘Responding to the next ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
June 2013, SAIMC
   The branch’s May Technology Evening was held at a new venue, the Durban Country Club, which is proving to be a great success. Owing to the first Wednesday of the month being a public holiday, the ...

SAIMC: Richards Bay branch
June 2013, SAIMC
      April Technology Evening The April Technology Evening on the principles of gas detection was held at Umhambi lodge. Duncan Robertson, sales manager for GFG South Africa, gave a well received presentation ...

SAIMC: From the president's desk
May 2013, SAIMC
2013 is really passing quickly! We are already in month five and have plenty more to achieve in the time we have left this year. There are numerous activities planned for the benefit of our members ...

SAIMC: Richards Bay branch
May 2013, SAIMC
March Technology Evening    The March Technology Evening was held at Umhambi Lodge where the sales engineer for Thermo Fischer Scientific, Erick Wessels, gave a presentation on ‘Conveyor belt scale back ...

SAIMC: Zambia branch
May 2013, SAIMC
The Midlands Sub-branch hosted a successful annual banquet at the Government Complex in Lusaka last December. The event was opened by the Zambia branch chairman, Rodgers Kayombo, who welcomed all present. ...

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
May 2013, SAIMC
There is an increasing demand for alternative energy in South Africa. At the last Technology Evening, Dieter Dilchert of Lapp Cables explained how renewable energy has become financially viable due ...

SAIMC: Secunda branch
May 2013, SAIMC
As the Secunda branch has decided to dedicate the Technology Evenings this year to valves, it is proud to report that two successful evenings have come and gone so far. In February David van Eeden gave ...

SAIMC: Cape Town branch
May 2013, SAIMC
Branch member survey The committee decided to do a survey of its membership in order to understand their expectations. The survey will also be used to determine if members are happy with the branch activities ...

SAIMC: Durban branch
May 2013, SAIMC
The April Technology Evening of the Durban branch was held on 3 April at the Durban Country Club, where Barry Mercer of Fluor gave an informative and well-structured introductory talk titled ‘Welding ...

SAIMC: Cape Town branch
April 2013, SAIMC
The branch held a successful AGM on 28 February at the Eskom Marketing Centre in Edgemead. The AGM was well attended with some of the older members showing great interest. The meeting was accepted as ...

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
April 2013, SAIMC
The Johannesburg SAIMC branch held its annual general meeting at the Rivonia Country Club on 13 February. Attended by over 35 members, the branch mapped out the calendar for the year as well as introducing ...

SAIMC: Richards Bay branch
April 2013, SAIMC
The AGM was held on the 13 February at Umhambi Lodge. The election process could not be done using the online voting system, so a manual system was used. Invitations were sent out to the members to ...

SAIMC: Zambia branch
April 2013, SAIMC
The Midlands sub-branch hosted a successful annual banquet at the Government Complex in Lusaka last December. The event was opened by the Zambia branch chairman, Rodgers Kayombo, who welcomed all present. ...

SAIMC: From the president's desk
March 2013, SAIMC
It is indeed a privilege for me to lead such an important organisation in the current South African landscape. The SAIMC has a rich history which needs to be preserved and built upon. I must thank our ...

SAIMC: Secunda branch
March 2013, SAIMC
Starting a new year, facing new challenges, the AGM meeting for the Secunda branch was held on 17 January. Several members from the 2012 committee made themselves available to be re-elected again this ...


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