SAIMC: Johannesburg branch

October 2013 SAIMC

The August Technology Evening was presented by Chris Gimson, General Manager of Endress+Hauser Pyrotemp, who enlightened us on Pressure Equipment Regulation (PER).

The risk of injury arising from defects in the construction of pressure and non-pressure equipment is related to the consequences should failure occur during use. These consequences are primarily dependent on the hazard level. An increased hazard level requires an increased degree of independence conformity assessment or verification. Should a certified management system be controlled by the manufacturer, the involvement of the approved inspection authority (AIA) will be decreased. Pressure equipment imported into South Africa (with all the documentation and marking, as required by the statutory regulations), shall be subjected to a conformity assessment reviewed by the importer to ensure compliance with the relevant national legislations. All reviews of the pressure vessel, steam generators and assemblies shall be certified by an AIA (appointed by the importer) except where manufactured under SEP and category 1 requirements, as applicable.

Alvin Seitz (Left) presents Chris Gimson with the SAIMC certificate.
Alvin Seitz (Left) presents Chris Gimson with the SAIMC certificate.

If a user requires PER and you are the importer or manufacturer of products that have pressurised volumes or are used in pressurised systems and do not have a PED or ASME certificate then you have to have your products assessed for conformity to the PER requirements as per SANS 347:2012.

Although mainly intended for manufacturers and users of pressure vessels e.g. boilers and air receivers, the scope of this directive includes measurement instrumentation e.g. flow, level, analytical and temperature, plus pressure accessories like valves. Chris walked us through the evaluation steps and how it affects things.

The Johannesburg branch thanks Chris for his informative presentation which was well received. We also wish to thank Endress + Hauser for hosting the evening in the audi­torium at the Sandton offices.


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