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The Oldham MX2000 portable multigas detector is a suitable gas monitor for warning against hazardous gases. Small and compact, it measures 150 x 80 x 40 mm in size and weighs only 450 g.
Able to detect
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There are many situations where the SL 2000 system from Sperosens could be of great use, some of these include: * Fire detection systems for underground alarms where existing cable could be used.
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The Spero group is yet another example of true South African entrepreneurship and innovation, and through sheer tenacity they endured the birth pains in an era where venture capital financing was unknown.
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The Oldham MX21 Plus multigas detector is a portable multigas monitor which can detect up to four gases simultaneously and is capable of monitoring a range of explosive and toxic gases plus oxygen according
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A monitor so small and lightweight that most of the time you will not even know that you are wearing it - that is what Oldham had in mind when the MX2000 pocket multigas detector was designed.
The MX2000
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