Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Tel: +27 12 665 0317
Email: [email protected]
www: www.spero.co.za
more information about Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Series of portable gas analysers
November 2004, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring, Information Security

Better combustion control means improved process control, and this in return gives you greater management over energy costs. This is why Oldham's PAN series could play a vital role in analysing and protecting ...
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Dust monitors with a difference
November 2004, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring, Information Security

The dust monitor range, developed by Oldham, has several advantages that will help ease the process of monitoring the safety of a work environment. The EP300 series can detect particles from 0,1 mg/m³ ...
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Robust gas sensors
September 2004, Sensors & Transducers

Oldham France has recently released its range of stainless steel housed flammable, toxic and oxygen deficiency sensors. The new sensors offer robust, state-of-the-art gas sensing technology packaged to ...
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Flowmeter suitable for food and semi-solid applications
August 2004, Flow Measurement & Control, Infrastructure, Security Services & Risk Management, Products & Solutions

This flow captor is a flowmeter for food and industrial applications, and is suitable for the measurement of liquids, semi-solids and a wide range of corrosive media. The small compact unit needs no additional ...
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Analysers offer improved management of energy costs
July 2004, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Better combustion control means improved process control, and this in return gives greater management over energy costs. This is why Oldham's PAN series could play a vital role in analysing and protecting ...
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Telemetry system for harsh environment
June 2004, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

One of the successes for the Spero Group has been its development, and continued enhancement, of the SL2000 harsh environment telemetry system. Originally developed for fire detection, its versatility ...
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Flammable gas sensors
June 2004, Sensors & Transducers

Tougher safety standards in the local mining industry are spurring on the development of more advanced instrumentation to act as early warning systems of potential danger situations. Spero Group of Centurion, ...
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Portable toxic gas detector
November 2003, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

From Oldham France, the RX500 portable toxic gas detector is designed for the monitoring of CO, H2S. Areas of application include light industry, processing plants, petrochemical and the pulp and paper ...
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Flowmeter remains accurate at low flow rates
September 2003, Flow Measurement & Control, Security Services & Risk Management

Recently launched by Weber Captor (Germany), the Smart Meter offers some unique features that make it a good solution for flow metering in large diameter pipes. These meters exhibit accurate flowmetering ...
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Range of field gas detectors
August 2003, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring, Products & Solutions

The Captex and CEX 800 detectors are meant for small size applications. The most widely used detector type CEX 810 AD is a three-wire bridge signal, housed in a flame-proof enclosure. For high temperatures ...
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Cap lamp-mounted CO warning device
July 2003, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Since its release in 1993 more than 12 000 of Spero's Toxalarms have been sold into the mining industry. Spero is proud of its 10 years in the field, and believes that the device has become the 'de-facto' ...
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Environmental management monitoring and interlocking system
July 2003, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Sperosens has delivered and installed more than 150 of its MM100 methane and water interlocking systems for mechanical miners since the system was introduced during 1975. The system has been approved ...
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