Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Tel: +27 12 665 0317
Email: [email protected]
www: www.spero.co.za
more information about Spero Sensors & Instrumentation

Spot-LED utility lamp
July 2005, Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

After numerous requests from its clients, Sperosens expanded its existing LED range and developed a few LED variance products with unique features and advantages for its niche market. LED lights are a ...
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Flash-LED beacon
July 2005, Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration

After numerous requests from its clients, Sperosens expanded its existing LED range and developed a few LED variance products with unique features and advantages for its niche market. LED lights are a ...
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Harsh telemetry system gains popularity
June 2005, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

Since 1998, the development of the SL2000 harsh telemetry system has proved to be one of Spero Group's greatest successes. The SL2000 is based on the Lonworks protocol, to enable network communications, ...
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Stack emission monitor
May 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

The Oldham EP1000A stack monitor is well received by various South African companies because of its unique features and stability. The Spero Group is the sole agent for Oldham (France).       Noteworthy ...
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Safeguarding the working environment
March 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

It is essential to prevent the risk of asphyxia, poisoning or explosion, caused by the presence of gas, to ensure a safe working environment. The OLC 20 series are catalytic cell type detectors, intended ...
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Warning personnel of explosive gases
March 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Working in industrial areas could be hazardous, as these areas are likely to contain explosive gases and vapours. Oldham has developed one of the smallest explosimeters on the market, which identifies ...
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Flowmeter suitable for food and semi-solid applications
February 2005, Flow Measurement & Control, Transport (Industry)

This flow captor is a flowmeter for food and industrial applications, and is suitable for the measurement of liquids, semi-solids and a wide range of corrosive media. The small compact unit needs no additional ...
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Portable toxic gas detector
February 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

One of the latest releases from Oldham, the RX500 portable toxic gas detectors offer improved protection to personnel working in areas at risk from explosive and toxic gases or insufficient oxygen. The ...
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CO monitoring units
February 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

The Prototox is a carbon monoxide monitoring unit specifically configured for Sperosens SL2000 and AARL Airview systems. Existing equipment requires the use of two units - a CO detector and a transmitter/transceiver ...
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Multigas detector
February 2005, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

One of Oldham's latest releases in its multigas detector range is the MX2100 detector with the capability to measure five gases simultaneously with a 0 zone operation and graphical display option. The ...
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Telemetry system for harsh environments
December 2004, Data Acquisition & Telemetry, Access Control & Identity Management

One of the successes for the Spero Group has been its development, and continued enhancement of the SL2000 harsh environment telemetry system. Originally developed for fire detection its versatility has ...
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Flammable gas sensors
December 2004, Sensors & Transducers, Surveillance, Products & Solutions

Tougher safety standards in the local mining industry are spurring on the development of more advanced instrumentation to act as early warning systems of potential danger situations. Spero Group of Centurion, ...
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