Michael Brown Control Engineering

Email: [email protected]
www: www.controlloop.co.za
more information about Michael Brown Control Engineering

Control loop: Case History 159 - Bad valves again hampering control.
March 2018, Editor's Choice

It still fascinates me that so many control problems are caused by poor operation of control valves. I have encountered and recorded hundreds of cases of such problems. What is amazing is that many plant ...
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Cool loop: Case History 158 - Report on temperature control of an autoclave
January 2018, Editor's Choice, Motion Control & Drives

I was recently asked to help with a client who treats a product in an autoclave and was complaining that they always got overshoot on a step setpoint change to holding temperature. The following is taken ...
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Control loop: Case History 157 - Positive lead integrator tuning ‘party trick’.
November 2017, Editor's Choice

Control loop optimisation has always fascinated me. In most cases when I am called into a plant to sort out a problem, it is something that they have been trying to fix for a long time without success. ...
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Control loop: Case history 156 - All problems can be sorted by tuning
September 2017, Editor's Choice

People often battle for long periods trying to tune a controller to eliminate problems. As I have often said, one of the biggest fallacies found in plants when it comes to control is that “all problems ...
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Control loop: Case History 155 - Control with unstable tuning
July 2017, Motion Control & Drives

I have come across quite a few control loops that were doing a reasonable job of control and which were in fact completely unstable, and in some cases were working much better than if the loop had been ...
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Control loop: Case History 154 - What happens to the process if the valve jumps?
May 2017, Editor's Choice, System Integration & Control Systems Design

I recently wrote a Case History about control problems in a minerals extraction plant in Portugal, which was experiencing great difficulty with the control on their flotation banks. I have also written ...
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Control loop: Case History 153 - Why is the control so terribly erratic?
March 2017, Editor's Choice, Motion Control & Drives

I was recently asked to advise on a bad pH control problem in a water treatment plant. A new carbonisation bay had been installed at the plant: Figure 1 shows the layout of the bay and controls. Raw water ...
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Control loop: Case History 152 - Control problems with airflows in flotation banks
January 2017, System Integration & Control Systems Design

I have written quite a few articles specifically dealing with control problems in mineral processing plants that are largely due to poor understanding, and apparently complete lack of concern of control ...
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Control loop: Case History 151 - The myths surrounding deadtime dominant processes
November 2016, Editor's Choice, System Integration & Control Systems Design

The practice of industrial feedback control is one of the most misunderstood engineering disciplines in the world. The theory was developed by eminent mathematicians in the early 1900s and was based on ...
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Case History 150: Mystery in distillation column temperature control.
September 2016, Editor's Choice

The longer I work in the field of control loop optimisation, the more I learn that things often do not work the way one expects. I have spent over 30 years optimising literally thousands of feedback control ...
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Control loop: Case History 149 - Classic examples of badly optimised loops.
July 2016, Editor's Choice

Problems on a flow control loop    The first example is that of a flow control loop on a liquid flow. Figure 1 shows a closed loop test with a step change of setpoint.    Three problems immediately stand ...
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Control loop: Case History 148 - Discussion on a crazy control strategy
May 2016, System Integration & Control Systems Design

I have received some comments from Saul Mtakula, a control engineer originally from Zimbabwe but now residing in Canada, about one of my Case History articles, No. 126, published in 2012 under the heading ...
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