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New radiometric level switch
February 2006, Level Measurement & Control

The new Mini-Switch LB 471 from Berthold Technologies is one of the more advanced level switches based on the radiometric measuring principle. For many years this measuring principle has proven itself ...
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Digital liquid nano/micro flowmeters/controllers
February 2006, Flow Measurement & Control

Bronkhorst High-Tech BV, specialists in low flow measurement and control, have introduced a new generation of digital liquid flowmeters/controllers for very low flow ranges. The µ-FLOW Series L01 can ...
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High precision positive displacement measurement
January 2005, Flow Measurement & Control

Kral Volumeters measure liquid flow over a broad range of viscosities, from low-viscosity liquids like petrol, acids and alkalis to high-viscosity liquids such as printing inks, grease and bitumen. Kral ...
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