Welcome to the first edition of Talkback, an information service created exclusively for all members of the SAIMC, irrespective of which branch they belong to or in which geographic area they might be located. The main purpose of this feature is to inform our members of what is happening on Council level and keep them abreast of what is discussed and decided at our regular SAIMC Council meetings.
The secondary and also very important aim of Talkback, is to encourage our members to respond to any news item or Council activities reported on in this feature by posting replies, comments and/or suggestions. This would enable us be more in touch with the feelings and wishes of our members regarding their Institute, and it would also place our members in a position to contact any of the Council Members directly or indirectly.
In the past no one was ever sure of what it was that Council actually did, or what their functions and powers are regarding the daily running of the SAIMC, its various Branches and Sub-Committees. Very few of our members or members of Branch Committees even know at this point who the actual elected members of Council for 2002 are.
Talkback is here to change all that, from now on everybody who reads this feature, will always be up to date or have free access to matters concerning the overall state of the Institute, decisions taken on Council level, Branch activities and more. All we need from you, our member, is to contact us at the address below with your comments and/or suggestions. Matters of collective importance or suggestions on how to improve the 'State of the Institute' will be published in this feature for general comment.
Your Council Members for 2002 are:
Graeme Bell: President, and Managing Editor of SA Instrumentation & Control
Richard Teagle: Immediate Past President
Johan Steyn: Vice President
Dick Perry: Honorary Secretary
Cornu Perold: Honorary Treasurer
Musa Duma: Member
Piet j Van Rensburg: Member
Tony Holme: Member
The new Institute Secretariat is Cost Time Resources and can be contacted at: [email protected] for all administrative queries.
Send your Talkback comments to Johan Steyn at: [email protected]
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