SAIMC funding of tertiary institutions
Most universities, technikons and technical colleges should be aware that the SAIMC assists tertiary institutes financially in the specific area of control and instrumentation. Last year about R20 000 was donated to C&I projects proposed by Mangosuthu Buthelezi Technikon for training rigs and the Zululand Training Centre for career guidance material. The funding is currently available for any worthwhile cause that would further the knowledge in control and instrumentation or training of students in this field.
Should you be in a position to make use of this sort of funding please formulate a written request with your proposal or a short business plan and forward it to any Branch Chairman or Council Member. If you need help or require more information please contact our Executive Officer, Mike Marshall on (011) 609 1944, e-mail at [email protected] or me at (011) 462 1920, e-mail [email protected]
Negretti award
This prestigious award in the form of a gold medallion is presented at the SAIMC annual dinner for the best paper that is written by an SAIMC member and presented by the author at any SAIMC branch meeting or SAIMC conference. This paper should also be published in any trade magazine or technical journal. Rod Gray is in charge of the Negretti Award sub-committee and he can be contacted on (011) 652 3626 or e-mail him [email protected]. Let us have your applications soon as the Annual Banquet is on Wednesday 1 November at the Bryanston Club.
Schneider awards
Peter Booysen, MD of the Schneider Group in South Africa, has advised that they would like to expand this award to a National level. Previously Schneider presented a medal and the sum of R812 to the best student in control and instrumentation at Technikons in the area of the Johannesburg Branch which is basically all of Gauteng. The best student is chosen by the Technikon itself with the presentation made by a representative from Schneider and the Chairman of the local SAIMC branch. I would like to extend my own and the Council's appreciation to the Schneider Group for this generous gesture. Many students will be proud to achieve this recognition and, I am sure, the cash award will also help many a needy soul. Interested parties should contact their local SAIMC branch Chairman who, in turn, can liase with Peter Booysen at (011) 256 6400.
I know that finances are difficult for a lot of our members but if you want to hang in with us and make the good times roll you had better pay your subscriptions. Although renewals were sent out in January this year we have only about 50% of the payments in. Council has asked the Branches to send in the Ouderling, followed by the Mafia and if they do not help we will have to cut off your free magazine and Buyers Guide which is worth the value of the subs, without counting the monthly meetings, brewery visits, golf days, business breakfasts and annual dinners. Come on guys, we have the lowest subs and best value for money in the business.
From the past
One of my various hobbies was steam road vehicles from the 1930s. John Nicholson from South African Instrumentation and I rebuilt two Sentinels, a magnificent 24 t three way tipper and a road tractor that pulled six 10 t trailers in Rhodesia. Knowing this, Horst Muller of Protonics 2000 gave me an old boiler manual dated 1906. The following is an interesting excerpt:-
"259 ALARUMS (sic) There are alarums for telling when the steam gets too high or too low, and alarums for telling when the water gets too low or too high in the boiler. Without saying a word upon the merits of these inventions, the fact is, all the same, that the use of such things brings about their abuse, which leads to their disuse. It is a mistake to suppose that boilers are safer with such claptrap than under the vigilance of a proper attendant. When such things exist, an attendant depends on them. His own responsibility has been removed, and his vigilance along with it; you now cannot depend on him, and you cannot call him to account for the fault of these things. You might as well indulge a sentry with a sofa, wine and cigars. The water float used by Watt is now obsolete."
Seems like there was resistance to change when automation started!
David Howcroft
(011) 462 1920
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