The SAIMC 2006 Annual Banquet was the big success of the year for the Branch!
It was once again a nice time for members of the measurement and control community in Zambia and the southern Africa region to meet over dinner at the Annual Banquet, under the theme: 'Skill shortage; its impact on the local and global economy'.
It was, too, an excellent time to introduce our spouses, friends or partners to the world of measurement and control - on one hand and on the other hand to enjoy an enabling environment for business and social interaction.
The honourable minister for the Copperbelt Province - Mwansa Mbulakulima - MP, graced the function. It was also attended by Vivian MacFadyen (SAIMC Council president) and Mrs MacFadyen; Cornu Perold (SAIMC immediate past president); Charles Sakanya (EIZ president) and Mrs Sakanya; Washington Phiri (Mufulira Technical Training Institute); and managers from the corporate world. Esteemed sponsors of the Banquet are: AC Kabalu Enterprise, NUCO Industrial Services, Silicon Electronics, Kuplak Enterprise, Phecas Investment, Mufulira Technical Training Institute (Zambia), Roytec Controls (Zimbabwe), Siemens A&D, Instrumentation Consulting Services (ICS) and Honeywell Southern Africa (Republic of South Africa).
The SAIMC Zambian Branch Chairman - Jones Kalela - said that the Institute comprised artisans, technicians, technologists, engineers and suppliers of equipment and services in the field of instrumentation and control. He mentioned to the audience the vision: to be an Institute of choice, serving the needs of its members and stakeholders through its mission to advance the standards of theory and practice in the field of measurement and control, affecting mining, medical, farming and manufacturing sub sectors of the economy.
Diners were also informed that so many industrial areas around Zambia and the southern Africa region are experiencing expansion and renewed economic activity. But the business houses sought to fill important roles with technically proficient and experienced skilled labour, sufficient to drive company business ambitions. "The skill is scarce, especially, in measurement and control," Jones said. He appealed that to avoid the advancing economic catastrophe, there was need for governments, the corporate industry, institutions of higher learning and the Institute of Measurement and Control to work together towards the enhancement of skills training and development.
SAIMC Zambia has offered to share the challenge with government and the corporate world by initiating and encouraging skills training and development in the field of instrumentation and control that will reverse skill loss. An example is the Mufulira Technical Training Institute, where SAIMC has encouraged a programme out of which 24 C&I students will graduate in September 2007 and another stream of 33 students are graduating in 2008. We believe this is a good start!
The Institute regrets the delay in putting together a Due Diligence Study Program for initiating and encouraging a Diploma Course in Measurement and Control at the Copperbelt University (CBU), due to lack of resources and support from government and the industry. A School of Measurement and Control at the CBU will go a long way in alleviating skill shortage in the field. We wish to lobby government and the industry to support the introduction of the School of Measurement and Control at the CBU.
The branch chairman thanked the Copperbelt Province minister, for accepting to come and officiate at the function. "Your schedule of work, we are aware, is heavy in the province, but you allowed to your being with us. Thank you so much once again," Jones lamented.
"The SAIMC Council president and Mrs Macfadyen and the Council IPP. It is not common for the two to simultaneously attend the same function or the protocol will not allow. However, they have come because of the love they have for the Branch and for the Zambians. We are extremely grateful.
"We feel highly indebted to our esteemed sponsors of the SAIMC Zambia 2006 Banquet, without whom this night and the interaction could not have been possible. We wish you a continued support for your Institute and please have a prosperous business year 2007.
"The presence of EIZ is a source of belonging for members in the Institute of Measurement and Control. We feel cared for. Thank you so much Mr president, Charles Sakanya for accepting to come.
"Our only patron member MTTI has always been at hand to render support to the Institute. We are grateful to you Mr Washington Phiri for the support. We call upon other companies to emulate MTTI and join as patron members of the Institute and support the programmes in the industry.
"To the managers from the corporate industry, your accepting to come and be part of us is a clear manifestation of the hope and trust you have for the Institute and the willingness your companies have to support the programmes at SAIMC Zambia. We must assure you our members will maintain your plants quite efficiently. Thank you so much for coming.
"I wish to acknowledge the presence of our student members from MTTI. Their coming aboard is seriousness on the part of the Institute to handover the industry to the experienced skilled youth for the better economy tomorrow. I call upon parents, government, institutions of learning and industry to support the youth taking up such challenges.
"May I also thank my fellow members at the branch for organising the Banquet and for standing together throughout 2006 and since the inception in the year 2004. Guys, let us keep up the effort!"
SAIMC Zambia encourages the government and the Engineering Institute of Zambia to support the branch for the betterment of the industry and the national economy.
Jones Kalela
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