Johannesburg branch
March 2006
A new year with brand new challenges is already well underway. Our AGM was held later than usual as we felt that the 11 January 2006 was a little too early in the year to have a meeting. Some people did not start work again until 9 January 2006 and would not have been in the right mood for the serious stuff at that time. At this year's AGM the 2005 committee, with the exception of Vivian MacFadyen, was re-elected. In addition, Debbie Scott of What's New in Processing was elected as committee member.
All those involved re-affirmed their commitment, as a team, to the branch activities for this year. As mentioned, Vivian MacFadyen resigned, to take up a key position on the SAIMC Council. We all extend our thanks to him for his dedication and hard work in the past and wish him the best of luck in his new Council position. Hopefully we will see him back soon on the committee. The committee held their first meeting on Friday, 3 February, and assumed the positions indicated in the table below. Topics for branch meetings will be communicated soon. Presenters seeking the opportunity to educate our members on technology (new as well as basics) please contact Johan van Jaarsveldt.
Branch meetings will be held as usual at 18h00 for 18h30 on the second Wednesday of each month at the Rivonia Country Club in Achter Road, Rivonia, and all members and interested parties are invited to attend. Snacks and drinks are provided. Council has hijacked our March meeting with their AGM, but we still have a very interesting presentation planned for you in the evening. See you there on 8 March 2006.
We are once again planning some very interesting site visits, like the SAA Simulator, and more. Site visits, dates and venues will be communicated to everyone as soon as they are finalised. We will hold two golf days again this year. The first is planned for 19 May 2006 at the Kempton Park Golf Course.
You will receive your invitations soon. The whole branch is adamant that this will be the year of reckoning. We will compete for the Branch of the Year award like never before.
Jan van Wyk, Chairman, [email protected]
Further reading:
MESA Africa Summit has been expanded and rebranded
SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
We are writing to share some exciting developments regarding the evolution of the MESA Africa Summit, which has been a cornerstone event in industrial automation and manufacturing excellence.
How to claim CPD points
SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
SAIMC makes it possible for you to claim CPD points for attending courses and technical meetings, or completing an online quiz on a
SA Instrumentation & Control magazine.
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO:Slaughtering AI holy cows
A couple of sessions at various dealers, a wrong delivery, a failed holiday plan, a two-week unplanned vacation and 32 kg of steel on the back seat awaited us as we left South Africa on a dream holiday. But let me start at the beginning.
SAIMC: Secunda branch
At the most recent SAIMC Secunda technical evening, Jenine Jansen van Vuuren, sales account manager from Comtest Technologies, gave a presentation on the calibration of process instruments.
SAIMC: Durban branch
The Durban branch of the SAIMC held its October technology meeting, not on the first Wednesday of the month as usual, but on the second Wednesday to accommodate the very interesting presenter, Nico Erasmus from Abacus Automation.
SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
The October Technology Evening was hosted by Pepperl+Fuchs. Patience Moila, the enterprise mobility expert for sub-Saharan Africa, presented on ‘Lone Worker Protection for the Mobile worker 4.0’.
SAIMC Johannesburg golf day
The Johannesburg branch of the SAIMC recently held its annual Golf Day at Jackal Creek.
SAIMC: It’s not black and white
Editor's Choice SAIMC
Grey imports are a problem worldwide, not least in the automation industry in South Africa. The Supplier Advisory Council (SAC) operates under the umbrella of SAIMC, and is tackling this problem head-on.
How to claim CPD points
SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council
SAIMC makes it possible for you to claim CPD points for attending courses and technical meetings, or completing an online quiz on a
SA Instrumentation & Control magazine.
SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: The real damage of fake news
People depend on accurate information and their own reasoning and belief systems to draw conclusions or make decisions. However, when they are inundated with fake news, the reliability of the information they receive is compromised.