It seems like the years are becoming shorter and the only explanation is that when you are busy, time just flies.
The Secunda branch was very active and achieved all the goals set at our AGM in January. Our 10 Technology evenings were attended by an average of 35 people. Disturbing though were the last two - where only 17 attended. We have managed to build friendship bridges, met new and old friends and had a plain good time. On these evenings we were educated in soft skills, hard facts, new technologies and new releases on a variety of topics and products.
Our Golf Day at the end of May was one of our highlights of the year. This year we collected a total of R3500 for charity with the sale of Gimmies and Mulligans to be presented to an organisation in our area at our year-end function. This year we had to say no to some sponsors after we booked 40 four balls for the event this year. We were forced to start at 07H00 and just made it in time to complete the day before it was too dark to play.
Our yearly sponsors' day, although a great success, was held for the last time this year. This year Blanes walked away with the trophy for the winning team. A new trophy was also introduced for the best waterhole and dresser were the first to win this year. We had at least four companies that really made an effort to provide the best and their stands were something to take note of. Before the next event the score table for this trophy will be published to enable us to make a more fair judgement.
Dennis has outdone himself this year and organised a total of four site visits for the year. The rivalry between the Johannesburg branch and us was set aside and a very successful joint visit was organised to the Eskom TSI calibration lab; a massive 37 people attended this one. Already there are plans for a visit to Columbus Steel and a Power Station with new technology controls installed.
Thanks to the Penmac roadshow we made a lot of new friends and by meeting our suppliers for this area we were able to fill our technology event calendar with all the right presenters. Next year we will encourage more of our members to attend this event to enable them to also select topics and presenters that they would like to find out more about.
This is the second year that we have made a presentation to the best student at our tertiary institutions. This year Andre Swarts of the Vaal Triangle Technikon satellite campus in Evander walked away with the honour. This is an award that is very close to our hearts if we consider the loss of skills in the technical field. The Institute is very concerned and is putting a large amount of effort into training to regain a balance between people retiring and moving into other fields compared to new recruits coming into the field.
This year we balanced our books. Every event, activity of the branch and financials are now well documented with action and reminder lists included. Every event organised provides learning points for the next one and even these do's and don'ts are listed. Technology evenings are booked at least three months in advance with a possible replacement for late cancellations. We understand that our suppliers sometimes have commitments on very short notice elsewhere and we are now in a position to accommodate them without us being caught with our pants down.
This year we were promised a quarterly newsletter but for some reason and because of the demand no less than eight were published. Dennis also included a Project Management training program and this has increased the demand for this publication.
We concluded our year's activities with a very enjoyable Year-End Function. We made a contribution to 'The Marietjie Centre' with the money raised at our Golf Day. They are in need of computers and software to assist them in helping disabled persons from our community. We were very fortunate to have one of our founder members present. Eric Carter reflected back on the growth and successes that the branch achieved over the past five years of existence. Our honoured president, Mr Perold and his wife, also surprised us with their presence. He shared with us the changes that are taking place in the institute and also congratulated the branch with the efforts put in towards meeting the vision and mission of the Institute. Our chairman then gave credit to committee members for outstanding efforts by presenting them each with a pair of SAIMC cufflinks. The evening turned out to be a big success and everybody enjoyed themselves into the early hours.
Council heard our cries for an institute that caters for all its members' needs. They have responded by putting plans into action to upgrade our Web page. This will provide our members with direct access to information and assistance with plant problems. They will also be able to update their own details in the database as well as view their status with the Institute. Purchasing online and booking of events will be possible from this website.
Our sincere thanks to Council, CTR, our sponsors, members and friends for their support during 2004. To everyone we wish you all of the best for 2005. If we allow our creativity to run free we will be amazed at what we can achieve.
The Secunda Branch offers to educate you for the future... Everybody can be part of a success story. Thought for 2005: Everything in life starts with an idea. The first step sets the plan in action to make the idea a reality.
Piet van Rensburg, chairman Secunda Branch
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