Level Measurement & Control

Keller’s water level monitoring systems

April 2019 Level Measurement & Control

The Grib Mine, located in Russia’s Mezensky District in the Arkhangelsk Oblast, is one of the largest diamond deposits in the world. During winter, temperatures can drop to -25° and sometimes -37°. The ‘Arhangelskgeolrazvedka’ exploration crew bores wells and monitors underground water levels and temperature. Keller has equipped the wells with water level monitoring systems. The use of automatic water level monitoring systems allows for savings on special purpose vehicles as well as additional staff, who would otherwise have to conduct manual monitoring in remote and hard to reach wells.

Water level and temperature is monitored within a radius of 5 km around the deposit area. Recently, a total of 81 wells with depths of 20 to 270 metres were bored in order to monitor water levels. The wells were equipped with 81 Keller water level monitoring systems comprising PAA-36 X W hydrostatic pressure (level) and temperature probes as well as 59 GSM-2\GSM-2 BOX modules for automatic data registration and transfer by GSM.

As long as the monitoring net consists of cluster water wells, it is possible to use just one GSM-2 BOX module to register and transfer data from two to three wells placed at a distance of five to ten metres in the same cluster. This allowed the mine to reduce the number of GSM-2 modules required for monitoring 81 water wells from 81 to 59. Thus the mine needed 22 GSM-2 modules fewer than anticipated, a 15% saving on monitoring equipment for the project. The battery of a GSM-2\GSM-2 BOX module is able to supply several level probes. The module on the other hand can register and transfer data once a day in a low temperature environment of -25 to -35° with a low level or unstable GSM signal for several years. For the duration of the exploitation period the mine did not find it necessary to change the equipment batteries.

For more information contact Instrotech, +27 10 595 1831, [email protected], www.instrotech.co.za


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