IS & Ex

Fire protection for unique risks

September 2018 IS & Ex

Risk analysis is the first phase in choosing the best fire prevention solution for a company. Sperosens offers complete fire prevention solutions, tailored to the specific requirements of each customer. Early detection and appropriate suppression in the identified risk areas prevents operational stoppages, delays and damage. By installing, monitoring and controlling detection and suppression technologies, safe working and operational conditions can be ensured, even in harsh environments.

A fire can have catastrophic consequences and, therefore, prevention is better than cure. Risk analysis provides the information required to determine the correct fire prevention system needed. In addition to risk analysis, it is important that fire prevention becomes part of an integrated strategy.

An integrated fire prevention strategy should include critical parameter measurements and preventative maintenance. This should include an early detection system, fire suppression methods and real-time management of the system. This can prevent fires from ever breaking out, thus eliminating risk to personnel and possible loss of production time.

Early detection

AP Sensing’s distributed temperature sensing (DTS) reports a change in temperature (or ‘hot spots’) according to pre-set perimeters. Early warning by this system can prevent loss and damage, or can be used as a detection method to activate fire suppression systems. The DTS system uses fibre-optic cable, up to 10 km in length, to sense heat on each 1 m section to within 1°C, and it is easy to install.

Other available detection tools include infrared temperature scanners and conveyor bearing temperature sensors. Plumber block temperature sensors (analog or digital) and infrared temperature scanners allow surface temperatures to be monitored by any scada system.

Fire suppression

Fire suppression methods include various technologies, such as deluge systems, water and foam, sprinkler systems and clean gas agents. Water and foam mist systems work well in high-risk areas, where the cooling and oxygen displacement combination assist in extinguishing fires. The design of the system should address critical parameters, such as belt coverage, flow rate nozzle selection, pipe diameter, as well as the duration and capacity requirements of the chosen fire protection system. (For example, the NPFA 15 requires the system to spray for 30 minutes plus an additional 30 minutes for backup.)

Real-time management

The maintenance of any system is crucial and requires 24/7 real-time monitoring and management to ensure the readiness of the system. Sperosens’ Verify System assists with fire system status reporting. This system can report that each component was in working order and armed at the time an incident occurred.

Sperosens designs, manufactures, installs, manages and maintains safety solutions which enable its clients to focus on their core business. All Sperosens solutions comply with the relevant local and/or international standards, e.g. NFPA and SANS. As a leading supplier to the mining industry, the company has certifications and accreditations such as SAQCC, ASIB, FDIA, FPASA, ECSA Professional Registration, FEASA, ISO 9001, SANS 1475 and CIDB. As part of its offering, Sperosens designs dedicated controllers to transmit any malfunction or hazardous condition alarms to the control room to ensure product innovation and service excellence with each fire prevention solution supplied.

For more information contact Marihette Hattingh, Sperosens, +27 12 665 0317, [email protected],


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