Safeguard boiler water and steam purity March 2017, Microsep Mettler Toledo Thornton offers an advanced sodium analyser for pure water treatment, power steam and power condensate monitoring. The 2300NA provides assurance of water purity to minimise corrosion and ...
High-efficiency evaporation system for mine wastewater November 2016 After identifying the need for an environmentally safe evaporation system to reduce excess wastewater at mines, I-CAT Water Solutions developed the I-VAP 500 Evaporation Cannon, which is capable of handling ...
Custom-made de-aeration skids November 2016, Instek Control With collaboration from Instek Control, Centec recently delivered four DeGaS-Cold de-aeration skids to a major brewing facility in southern Africa. These skids were completely custom manufactured according ...
In-situ gas analyser with minimum maintenance November 2016, Microsep Tuneable diode laser (TDL) spectroscopy is rapidly becoming the gas analysis technology of choice in industrial processes. But sometimes users find that conditions at the measurement location can limit ...
Hygrometer for reliable control of sintering processes November 2016, Instrotech Michell Instruments has introduced its new S8000RS chilled-mirror hygrometer, which offers an accuracy of 0,1°C and a wide measurement range of -90 to +20°C dew point, making it the ideal choice for moisture ...
Accurate measurements for process and quality control of LNG October 2016, Endress+Hauser South Africa “The majority of natural gas is transported via onshore or offshore gas pipelines,” says Carmine Canale, business development manager – Gas Analytics at Endress+Hauser South Africa. “For stranded gas ...
The next standard in turbidity measurement October 2016, PREI Instrumentation PREI Instrumentation is the South African distributor for Hach online liquid analysis equipment. Hach has been a leader in turbidity measurement since Clifford Hach introduced the first continuous turbidimeter ...
Young sensors measure atmospheric visibility October 2016, Inteltronics The Model 73000 Sentry Visibility Sensor
The Young Sentry Visibility Sensor measures atmospheric visibility (meteorological optical range) by determining the amount of light scattered by particles ...
Discharge limits under control July 2016, Endress+Hauser South Africa Endress+Hauser helps electroplating and tanning companies achieve environmentally compliant processes.
New design simplifies radiation monitoring July 2016, Omniflex Remote Monitoring Specialists The Omniflex Radiological Protection Gateway (RPN1) is a revolutionary new product, based on well-proven technology that simplifies the process of gathering data from Lab Impex and Canberra Radiation ...
Tasteful water: iron control optimised June 2016, Endress+Hauser South Africa Endress+Hauser’s new Liquiline System CA80FE colorimetric analyser offers precise monitoring of dissolved iron content in water.
Inline analyser system for edible oil and fat processing May 2016, KROHNE Krohne has introduced Optiquad-EOF 4050 W for the continuous inline measurement of free fatty acids (FFA), total polar material (TPM), peroxide value (POV), moisture or dirt. The optical spectroscopic ...
New radiation survey meter May 2016, Comtest Comtest has introduced the Fluke 481 radiation survey meter, a portable and practical means of identifying irradiated goods that can help remediate contamination and safety issues while minimally impacting ...
Control analytical measuring points with 100% integrity March 2016, Endress+Hauser South Africa Endress+Hauser’s new Liquiline To Go CYM290/CYM291 multiparameter handhelds for pH, conductivity and oxygen measurement, bring reliability and safety directly to the sample point. These portable instruments ...