Adroit scada intelligence 1 April 2011, Adroit Technologies Adroit SCADA Intelligence (ASI) builds intelligence from raw SCADA data by connecting the relevant attributes of the process to the raw data for easy reporting and analysis. Examples of common attributes ...
Mettler Toledo's FormWeigh.Net February 2011, Microsep Manufacturers in the food and beverage, cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical industries around the world have adopted Mettler Toledo’s FormWeigh.Net batching control software to improve and modernise ...
New release from Schneider Electric January 2011, Schneider Electric South Africa Schneider Electric South Africa has announced the release of Vijeo Citect V7.20 software, the latest version of its integrated industrial automation and control solution. This release makes it simpler ...
West Coast water network upgrade October 2010, Adroit Technologies Adroit and SSE provide a single view solution for the West Coast district municipality.
The West Coast area is comprised of five municipalities and three district management areas (DMAs) which are administered ...
Iritron's Khumani expansion project July 2010, Iritron System integrator Iritron was contracted by DRA Mineral Projects during the initial 2008 greenfields project to take responsibility for the implementation of the overall scada using the Wonderware System Platform based on ArchestrA technology
MAPS - life cycle engineering June 2010, Adroit Technologies, DesSoft, CBI-electric: low voltage A product that manages and delivers value over the entire life of an automation project
Scada technologies and challenges June 2010, Technews Publishing (SA Instrumentation & Control) “Do the fundamental decisions that scada-MES developers make impact on the SIs and end-users? And if so, how and why?”
Scada review 2010 June 2010 In the introduction to last year’s scada reviews we commented that the industry mix of scada review projects was probably a reflection of the economic downturn that has retrospectively become known as ...
Scada review 2010: Yokogawa June 2010 Reviewer detailsName: Details withheld at reviewer request SI detailsName: Engineered by vendor Product detailsProduct name and version: FAST/TOOLS R9.02 Vendor: Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Seaworthy scada design June 2010, Ana-Digi Systems Implementation of a propeller pitch and engine load control system.
During November 2009, Wartsila, an international supplier of marine engines and marine engine management systems, was approached by ...
Quarry upgraded whilst fully operational May 2010, Iritron Felix Shezi, the PPC Group electrical engineer, was very satisfied with the end result and he gave the Iritron team ‘10 out of 10’ in their Customer Satisfaction Report