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The last year in retrospect
March 2000
As this is my last column before I step down as President of the South African Institute of Measurement and Control, I would like to take this opportunity to look at what we have achieved in the last ...

SAIMC Branch News
March 2000
Secunda Sub Branch We had a very successful AGM on the 16 February 2000. The previous committee was re-elected to serve for another year. Our host for the evening was Tony Holme from Adroit who introduced ...

Johannesburg Branch News
Feb 2000
Johannesburg On 9 February the Johannesburg branch held their AGM where a new committee was elected. Unfortunately at the time of going to press, the various office bearers and portfolio coordinators ...

2000 is a go
Feb 2000
Our Executive Officer is a go. After more than a year of meetings, negotiations and debates, your Council has approved the appointment of an Executive Officer. By the time you read this, hopefully ...

From the presidents desk- 2000 looks good
Jan 2000
For better or worse, 2000 is here and despite the inherent pessimism of the late '90s, it is actually looking good, holding promise for a better year for the industry. Some more statistics The following ...


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