Johannesburg Branch News February 2001 It is the new year and already the Johannesburg Committee is hard at work organising meetings, interesting speakers, business breakfasts, golf days, site visits and so on. If only our members would sacrifice ...
SAIMC Secunda Branch News January 2001 All news is not always good news, and we must accept also bad news as a challenge to what we can improve upon. The turnout for the October meeting was very disappointing, with only 17 attendees. Those ...
From the President's desk December 2000 Recently we had the SAIMC annual formal dinner at Bryanston Club. The 140 members and guests who attended thought that this was an excellent venue with better space, food and service than previous events ...
SAIMC November 2000 Cape Town
On 10 September we held the annual spring golf day. A fantastic time was had by all participants - and it was well agreed that this annual event just gets better and better. Keith Shaw of the ...
SAIMC Branch Chairman - Personality Profile November 2000 Full names: Allen Martin Dold Morgan SAIMC Branch: Mossel Bay SAIMC member since: 1992 Home city: Mossel Bay Place and date of birth: Bloemfontein, 20 July 1951 Education: Bloemfontein ...
Newsletter from the Executive Officer November 2000 Dear Patrons and Members
The number of new members and patron members is steadily increasing indicating that membership of the SAIMC is being recognised more than ever as an integral part of belonging ...
From the President's desk September 2000 SAIMC funding of tertiary institutions
Most universities, technikons and technical colleges should be aware that the SAIMC assists tertiary institutes financially in the specific area of control and ...
Newsletter from the Executive Officer September 2000 Dear Patrons and Members
We are now well into the year 2000 and a more productive year for the SAIMC lies ahead; a drive for greater coverage of all things control systems and instrumentation and an ...
SAIMC Branch News September 2000 Johannesburg Branch
As you read this, the annual Business Breakfast is something of the past and hopefully the members of our Branch Committee are still sane and looking forward to the next big event ...
SAIMC invests in education September 2000 The South African Institute of Measurement & Control (SAIMC) recently made a cash donation of R10 000 to Technikon Mangosuthu, just outside of Durban. The money will be used to help equip the instrumentation ...
From the presidents Desk July 2000 SAIMC in Secunda and Rustenburg
At the May SAIMC Council Meeting a proposal was tabled by the Johannesburg Branch that the Secunda and Rustenburg Sub-branches be given full branch status. This was approved ...
Letter from the Executive Officer of the SAIMC June 2000 As the Executive Officer of the SAIMC, I wish to say hello to you all from the President, Council Members and Secretariat of the South African Institute of Measurement and Control.
South Africa is faced ...
SAIMC Branch News June 2000 Johannesburg Branch
To all our branch members out there who missed the first few meetings of 2000, guys and gals, you are certainly the poorer for it. We are experiencing very good turnouts, despite ...
From The Presidents desk May 2000 Electrex 2002
At a meeting with TML Reed last week it was decided to amend the name of our next exhibition to Electrex - process control and automation - 2002 - this will clarify the purpose of the exhibition. ...
SAIMC Branch News May 2000 Johannesburg Branch:
The April branch meeting turned out to be the best attended so far this year. John Immelman of Endress + Hauser was the speaker for the evening and the subject was "Fieldbus Foundation ...
This years President April 2000 I have heard the comment passed that no one really knows what the SAIMC council is doing or who they are. Well, let,s start where the buck stops. To introduce myself, David Howcroft, MD of Instrotech, ...
SAIMC award for top students April 2000, Schneider Electric South Africa Top engineering students at universities and technikons throughout Gauteng are being recognised for academic achievement in the area of control and instrumentation. A new award, under the auspices of ...
SAIMC Branch News April 2000 The Durban Branch recently held its Annual General Meeting and the following were elected to the committee:
Chairman: Carl Reinecke
Vice Chairman: Mike Barker
Treasurer: Gary Van Vuuren
Secretary: Willie ...