SAIMC Branch News October 2001 Secunda Branch
Like most of the previous months this year so far August was no different and again we have provided for the needs of our members.
Our monthly meeting sponsored by ACI had an attendance ...
Formation of Standards Generating Body October 2001 At a recent meeting of stakeholders, it was decided that a Standards Generating Body (SGB) for education and training in the field of measurement, control and instrumentation (MC&I) should be formed. ...
Winner for the SAIMC Interkama lucky draw October 2001 The SAIMC recently held a lucky draw for one of its members to attend Interkama 2001 in Düsseldorf, Germany. To qualify for the draw members' fees had to be paid up-to-date. The draw was audited by the ...
SAIMC Branch News September 2001 Secunda Branch
The more involved one becomes, the more you will find lands on your plate, not a dull moment or a day without a new challenge. It was mentioned only recently that no branch could function ...
SAIMC Branch News - Johannesburg Branch August 2001 Johannesburg Branch
Rolling like thunder over the hills comes the deafening sound of silence from the Branches and Sub-Branches around the country. Once again the only fare available in the SAIMC column ...
SAIMC Branch News - Secunda Branch August 2001 Secunda Branch
The Secunda Branch again experienced a very full month in June, and it will seem that we are just getting more and more involved in activities in our area.
Supplytech had requested that ...
From the President's desk July 2001 The transformation of South African industry, due to more open global markets, is far from over. Manufacturers are still adjusting to cope with low or no duty imports, and to export successfully to raise ...
SAIMC Branch News July 2001 Secunda Branch
All controversy set aside, all fights forgotten and all tempers cooled down. It has happened. The Secunda Branch golf day has passed, and what a day it turned out to be. We could not ask ...
SAIMC Branch News June 2001 Johannesburg Branch
Our May meeting was hosted by Morne Maree of Spescom, who presented a very sobering talk on the test and calibration of field instrumentation. Valuable information was given on the ...
The President's Desk June 2001 This year's Hannover Fair was again a huge and impressive event for industry. As such, it does not focus on control and instrumentation as does Interkama, but exhibits factory automation, micro-technology, ...
SAIMC Branch News April 2001 Secunda Branch
The meeting on 15 March 2001 was something new. Yokogawa sponsored the evening and enlightened the attendees with the basics of pH measurement. Rob Oliaro is a specialist in his field ...
From the President's desk May 2001 At the April 2001 AGM, I was most honoured to be inducted as this year's President. I have been preceded by many eminent leaders in our industry dating back 43 years, who have guided our institute from ...
Branch News May 2001 Johannesburg branch We did it again!
For the second year running, the Johannesburg Branch won the much sought after Branch of the Year Award for 2000. The award was made by Dave Howcroft, then outgoing ...
SAIMC Secunda Branch news March 2001 We hosted an educational evening on 20 February. Once again it turned out to be one massive success. André Venter from CCS sponsored the evening and brought out Winston Weinright from the mother company ...
SAIMC Johannesburg Branch March 2001 Our February meeting followed the disturbingly low turnout for the AGM in January, with a similarly low attendance figure. Tony Jacobson of Burkurt Contromatic gave an interesting talk on Top Control, ...