Talkback May 2002 Welcome to the first edition of Talkback, an information service created exclusively for all members of the SAIMC, irrespective of which branch they belong to or in which geographic area they might be ...
SAIMC: Johannesburg Branch April 2002 There was a saying in the Air Force of years ago that sounded something like this: "Daar is konfussie in die Ranke" (There is confusion in the ranks). The squadron drill sergeant would normally utter ...
SAIMC: Cape Town Branch April 2002 Derwyn Oxley of SAIMC CT was able to attend the March 2002 SAIMC Council meeting and AGM. We are pleased and encouraged by the things achieved by Richard Teagle - outgoing President. Sometimes these achievements ...
SAIMC: Secunda Branch April 2002 March has always been a great month for the Secunda branch and this year was no different. We kicked off our monthly meetings with the first one this the year being an outstanding occasion at the now ...
The SAIMC Bus Breakfast April 2002 A full conference room of guests enjoyed three interesting and informative talks on the morning of the last day of Electrex. Hosted by Richard Teagle of Festo, the speakers delivered presentations on ...
SAIMC: Witbank Branch April 2002 First of all, congratulations to our mother branch which was awarded the branch of the year award. Well done to Piet and his committee, we will certainly look and learn! It sounds unbelievable but a quarter ...
SAIMC Cape Town Branch March 2002 Hi All! Recently we were very graciously hosted by some of the technical staff at the V&A Waterfront Aquarium. We were given a 'behind the scenes' look at what goes on in providing, maintaining and developing ...
SAIMC Witbank sub-branch March 2002 Our branch was established on 16 October 2001 and we are proud to report that we have enrolled 20 new members to date. The committee is striving to reach full branch status by year-end.
Members of the ...
SAIMC Secunda Branch March 2002 Again the year has kicked off to a busy start. Tony only had time to wipe the old year out of his eyes before he was re-elected to organise our monthly meetings and the first one caught him by surprise. ...
SAIMC News: Secunda Branch February 2002 The year kicked of with a bang. Our AGM went very well. The members decided that you do not mess with a winning recipe and the previous committee members were re-elected. We also decided that we need ...
SAIMC News: Cape Town Branch February 2002 Tues, 22 January - We were blessed with really clear and still skies over Cape Town. This was a real benefit to our stargazing, which took place at the Astronomical Society Observatory. Case Risjdik, ...
SAIMC News: Durban Branch February 2002 Tuesday, 27 November, saw 11 members undertaking a very interesting visit. The trip started at the air force base at Durban International Airport where we were treated to a most interesting talk and discussion ...
SAIMC Johannesburg Branch News January 2002 Yet again we find ourselves at the start of a new year and the class of 2001, the best Committee the Johannesburg Branch has ever seen, would like to wish all of their members only the best for 2002. ...
Cape Town Branch News January 2002 On Sunday 18 November, SAIMC CT held their annual golf day. The event was extremely well supported and the SAIMC CT's thanks to everybody involved, especially the sponsors who made the day so much more ...
Secunda Branch News January 2002 November is the month when the Secunda Branch unwinds - this included our final event for the year at the 'Kinross Bosveld Lapa'. It was probably the most people they had catered for in one night. Attendance ...
SAIMC Johannesburg Branch News December 2001 Branch of the year
The year has come and gone and the points for 'Branch of the year' must now be submitted to Council for adjudication of the winner. From the Johannesburg Branch we have to admit that ...
SAIMC Secunda/Witbank Branch News December 2001 September has been a very quiet month for the Secunda branch. With the plant shut down at Sasol we have decided not to plan any activities. We therefore have left out comments for the journal to the Johannesburg ...
Call for speakers December 2001 The SAIMC will be hosting a 'Bus Business Breakfast' on the last morning of Electrex 2002 (15 March 2002). Three presentations will be made, but the intention is to make the presentations different - ...
SAIMC Durban Branch News December 2001 Another year almost gone! A good time to sum up the Durban Branch's activities for the second half of 2001.
At the July monthly meeting Howard Bingham of Rockwell presented a talk on 'Process management ...
SAIMC Annual Banquet - 2001 November 2001 Date: Wednesday, 7 November 2001 Venue: Bryanston Country Club Time: 19h00 Cost: A mere R1800 per table of 10 (cash bar available) Dress code: Formal Events will include:
Welcoming of guests, ...