SAIMC Vaal September 2003 Please note that our meeting date has been moved from fourth Wednesday to third Wednesday of the month due to a clash of meetings at the Vanderbijlpark Cricket and Hockey Club. Our program until the end ...
From the President's desk August 2003 If we had to have a poll amongst the hundreds of hardworking people out there we all know as 'reps', and asked them to nominate the number one irritation in their lives, I would wager a bet that we would ...
SAIMC Secunda August 2003 Things are happening in the Secunda area and all our members are very excited about the new enthusiasm with which everything is tackled. Dennis has progressed very well with the arrangement of the site ...
SAIMC Cape August 2003 SPEAKERS WANTED: with paper presentations/technical discussion/instrumentation news.
This is an urgent appeal from the Cape Town Branch to persons or companies who would be interested in presenting material ...
Johannesburg Branch, Branch of the Year 2002! July 2003 Our June meeting was sponsored by Endress + Hauser and Martin Kotze presented a paper on wastewater plant control. This was the most interactive evening that we have experienced since the battle of the ...
Secunda Branch July 2003 It happened again and this time it was bigger than ever before. I am talking about the Secunda Branch Golf day. And what a day it has been! A total of 36 teams entered with 11 sponsored holes. I think ...
Vaal Triangle July 2003 On 18/05/2003 a meeting was held at the Hockey & Cricket club Vanderbijlpark.
The chairman, Mr A. van Noordwyk welcomed all present and our special guest, Dr Pieter van Eeden, a specialist in environmental ...
From the President's desk June 2003 By the time this is read, the 2003 Process exhibition has come and gone. The 90 or so exhibitors who took part in this event would have spent hundreds of thousands of rands and invested hundreds of man-hours ...
Johannesburg Branch, branch of the year 2002! June 2003 Our May meeting, sponsored by Jary Kapral (Elen Enclosures), was concluded with a most interesting presentation on IP and IK ratings. The definition of the degrees of protection, characteristics of plastics ...
From the President's desk May 2003 I often wondered if I would be competent enough to be in the driving seat of the organisation we all refer to as the SAIMC, or as some like to say; 'Saimec'. After all, the Institute had its origins in ...
Johannesburg Branch May 2003 Johannesburg Branch, Branch of the Year 2002! Yes, thanks to your support, suppliers and committee members, we have done it again!
We took back our Branch of the Year banner from Secunda proving again ...
Secunda Branch May 2003 As promised, the Secunda Branch has taken up the challenge and is back in serious business. We hosted our first branch meeting on 13 March.
Festo sponsored the evening and delighted us with its new technology ...
Johannesburg Branch April 2003 This year is moving so quickly. January our first meeting, the AGM, saw the selection of the new committee. 2002 committee members remained unchanged with the exception of Johan Stein who has left us ...
Secunda Branch March 2003 A slow start to the New Year... our AGM came late but not without reason. We accommodated the industries in our area and gave our members the opportunity to devote their efforts to the company that put ...
Durban Branch: Missing in action ... February 2003 We have lost contact with the following SAIMC Durban Branch members. If your name is on the list or you know where we can contact any of these people, please let the National Office know.
Tel/fax: 011 ...
Vaal Branch February 2003 AGM for Vaal Branch was held on 29 January 2003 and the following members were elected for the committee for the year 2003: chairman Andre Janse van Noordwyk, vice chairman Helder (Al ) Serra, secretary/treasurer ...
Durban Branch - highlights of 2002 (summarised) January 2003 (Full version available at - makes interesting reading)
Yes, the slumbering giant otherwise known as the Durban Branch has in fact been clandestinely going about its affairs good-naturedly ...
Secunda Branch January 2003 It was a very good year for us in the Secunda area. We still have not recovered from the news that we won the Branch of the Year Award for 2001.
Last year kicked of with the AGM where the new committee ...
Vaal Triangle Branch December 2002 A very successful golf day was held on 10 October by the local SAIMC Social Committee. Everyone was in agreement that this should be an annual event.
Our thanks go to our main sponsors, Process Automation, ...
Johannesburg Branch December 2002 Once again it is time to reflect on the past year, and the Johannesburg Committee can certainly pat itself on the back for a job well done. Most of what we set out to do was achieved by the end of November, ...