Johannesburg Branch

April 2004 SAIMC

We would like to commiserate with John Gibbs' saga about the construction of his new home (editorial March 2004 issue of I&C). We feel however that the cause of poor workmanship goes further than just greed. There is no longer any pride in doing a job correctly. To coin a rather hackneyed but, in this case, appropriate phrase, this is a Grassroots Problem. Unless we can improve the work ethics of everyone, we will spiral into the Third World abyss. The solution is not simple but a partial answer would be is for all those who grew up during the time when there was pride in doing the job well, to set the example themselves and also not accept shoddy workmanship. This will mean that some workers will become unpopular with their peers or subordinates, but it will be worthwhile for the reputation of our country, and our safety - yes safety is involved when poor workmanship is allowed to permeate an industry responsible for the control of potentially hazardous process plant.


Our March meeting was sponsored by Lapp Cables. The presentation was given by Mark Dilchert and was well attended, leading into an evening filled with renewed ideas on cables, where applications, installation and the importance of choosing the correct inner, outer sheath, protection UV and chemical resistance, with size to suit your particular application. The importance of correct terminations and the prevention of moisture ingress were highlighted. An interesting example of modern cable design was a cable that changes colour when mechanically damaged, or it has become too old. This meeting was well prepared and everyone left the meeting with a new vision on conductors (cables).

This month's topic is 'Smart solutions - instrument/electrical engineering packages' on 21 April. Please note that this meeting has been delayed by a week to allow for the elections. Our meetings are normally held at the Rivonia Country Club every Second Wednesday of the month at 18h00. The presentation starts at 1830 sharp and is limited to 1 hour and ends at 19h30.

Drinks and eats are sponsored, so come and join in the discussion and gain some valuable knowledge.

See you there.

Site visits

7 April - Wika factory tour

Please come and join us for the Wika factory tour. This world-class facility is where you will witness the manufacture and assembly of pressure gauges, thermocouples, RTDs, and chemical seals. Included is lunch in the Wika staff canteen. There is no charge for members or guests, but the size of the group is limited and it is necessary to reserve your place.

Come and meet us at the Wika offices, with ample secure parking.

31 June - BMW factory tour

This visit is limited to 30 visitors and is an opportunity not to be missed. Tour the BMW Roslyn motor assembly plant. The cost is R50 per person, and includes lunch at their canteen (transport to Roslyn is not included in the price).

For site visit bookings, contact Johan Grobler, cell 082 853 0153 or send him an e-mail: [email protected]

SAIMC golf day

At last we have a fixed date - 11 June 2004.

Book a fourball and reserve a water hole where you can meet all the players, display your company banners and join in with the fun and prizegiving. All players will receive a prize no matter how well they played. Everyone manning waterholes is welcome to join us for supper at the end of the day. The Leeukop Golf Course has limited us to a maximum of 30 fourballs so do not delay, contact Greg Smook on [email protected] or Paulo da Silva [email protected]

Chairman, Johan van Jaarsveldt

[email protected]

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Further reading:

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO
We are writing to share exciting developments regarding the evolution of the SAIMC that will come into effect on 1 January 2025.

SAIMC: MESA Africa 2024 summit
TransLution Software SAIMC
The SAIMC Computer Engineering Council, also known as MESA Africa, recently held its annual summit. The two days were jam-packed, with an excellent balance between theory, thought leadership, and practical case studies. The general consensus among the delegates was that the insights gained were incredibly valuable.

SAIMC: Secunda branch
The SAIMC Secunda branch recently celebrated 25 incredible years at its year-end function and birthday bash, held on 1 November at The Glasshouse in Secunda.

SAIMC: Johannesburg branch
The Johannesburg SAIMC Branch held its annual year-end function at Northcliff Country Club on 13 October.

SAIMC: Gqeberha branch
The Didactic Branch of the SAIMC, in collaboration with the Automotive Industry Development Centre Eastern Cape, recently hosted an insightful talk on postgraduate opportunities. The event aimed to inspire and guide students about the paths and possibilities available to them through postgraduate studies, and to introduce them to some exciting projects.

SAIMC: Durban Branch Annual Dinner
The Durban branch of the SAIMC held their popular and well-supported annual year-end dinner at the Mount Edgecombe Country Club on 23 November 2024.

MESA Africa Summit has been expanded and rebranded
SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council SAIMC
We are writing to share some exciting developments regarding the evolution of the MESA Africa Summit, which has been a cornerstone event in industrial automation and manufacturing excellence.

How to claim CPD points
SAIMC Supplier Advisory Council SAIMC
SAIMC makes it possible for you to claim CPD points for attending courses and technical meetings, or completing an online quiz on a SA Instrumentation & Control magazine.

SAIMC: From the office of the CEO:Slaughtering AI holy cows
A couple of sessions at various dealers, a wrong delivery, a failed holiday plan, a two-week unplanned vacation and 32 kg of steel on the back seat awaited us as we left South Africa on a dream holiday. But let me start at the beginning.

SAIMC: Secunda branch
At the most recent SAIMC Secunda technical evening, Jenine Jansen van Vuuren, sales account manager from Comtest Technologies, gave a presentation on the calibration of process instruments.