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Johannesburg branch
October 2005
This month was something special; my confidence in the sustained future of kndustrial knstrumentation engineering in South Africa was reinforced. I have just spent some hours with a group of techno-junkies ...

Zambian branch
October 2005
We thank Yokogawa South Africa in conjunction with ICS (SA) for sponsoring and conducting our August Technical presentation on 27 August 2005 at Sherbourne Guest Lodge in Kitwe. Fifty-two members and ...

Johannesburg Branch
September 2005
At times, even with the best intentions, it happens. One says, does or writes something, and then someone is offended. Some bright fellow once commented that "You can satisfy some people some of the time, ...

Secunda Branch
September 2005
If the Secunda branch gets quiet and there is no reporting from them you should never be alarmed. This is the time when we are too busy with events and planning of events for our members and supporters. Our ...

From the president's desk
August 2005
The year has been passing rapidly, and we at the institute have a tremendous amount of activity to report on. Firstly, our newly established website is gaining acceptance rapidly, with members registering ...

Zambian Branch
August 2005
Membership The branch continues to see an increase in membership application and grading. Thus far 127 senior members and 33 members are on our register. Well over 10 more new membership forms have been ...

Johannesburg Branch
August 2005
Once again, the branch winter golf day has arrived and gone. It was a highly successful event with 40 four-balls participating; the first of which teed off shortly after sunrise leaving footprints in ...

Johannesburg Branch
July 2005
I am sure many of our readers remember the TV series called 'The A Team'. It was an action drama where numerous desperate situations were solved in a spectacular manner. At the end of all the excitement, ...

Zambian Branch treated to infrared camera presentation
July 2005
The Branch, in conjunction with Protea Automation Solutions, RSA, and Land Instruments International, UK, organised a technical presentation on infrared temperature measurement at Sherbourne Guest Lodge, ...

Secunda Branch
July 2005
The month of May is probably the busiest month for the Secunda branch and a huge effort is made by the committee to make all events possible.       Monthly meetings When Vivian from Endress+Hauser suddenly ...

SAIMC Durban Branch
June 2005
The Durban branch has had a good start to 2005, meeting on the last Wednesday of every month at the German Club in Westville.    In January we had a presentation sponsored by G&D Agencies on a new technology ...

Zambian Branch is one year old
June 2005
"More often a company will declare some employees redundant as a major measure to cut cost than to realise that the poor measurement and control services and skill can contribute to huge losses in a mining ...

Johannesburg Branch
June 2005
The month of May was a busy month for the committee. We were present at the Process 2005 Exhibition where the National Council and branch committee members all had a turn at manning the SAIMC stand. We ...

From the President's desk
May 2005
It is with tremendous sadness that I write this bulletin "From the President's Desk". Fifty-one employees have been reported killed and a further 26 are still missing, presumed dead due to the explosion ...

Johannesburg Branch News
May 2005
Firstly, I would like to wish Vivian Macfadyan, the Johannesburg Branch chairman, a quick recovery after the stroke he has had. Vivian is recovering at home. A lot has happened in the past months that ...

Zambian Branch
May 2005
Technology presentation on GMSI weighbridges Early in April, SAIMC - Zambia, in conjunction with AST-GMSI - RSA, held a Technology Presentation on GMSI weighbridges and Laboratory Information Management ...

From the president's desk
April 2005
After one year in the 'hot-seat' at the institute, I am extremely thankful for the amazing contributions of a number of our dedicated team members. In the last year, the various branch committees and ...

SAIMC Branch of the Year 2004
April 2005
Congratulations to the Secunda Branch for securing the Branch of the year title for 2004. Fierce competition was received from the Johannesburg Branch, with the newly established Zambia Branch coming ...

SAIMC Zambia - Copperbelt University Technical Corporation
April 2005
At the official launching, on 27 November 2004, SAIMC Zambia expressed its fear that unless an intervention programme was put in place, C&I skill loss facing the Zambia industry would have a long term negative ...


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