Air service units push profitability August 2007, Festo South Africa Pneumatic components have become indispensable in the operation of efficient mechanisation and automation processes. The most crucial element in the optimal functioning of these pneumatic systems is compressed ...
Blow that machine screen clean! August 2007 Exair's Window Blowoff systems give the machine operators a clear view of the part and the machining operation when coolants or cutting fluids are used. A clearer view allows machinists to make better ...
Air operated device recovers losses August 2007 The Exair Reversible Drum Vac is a safe, maintenance-free way to recover coolant, hydraulic oils, liquid spills, sludge and chips, tramp oils and wastewater.
The compressed air operated system attaches ...
Air knives give fans the cold shoulder July 2007 A manufacture of automotive electronics had a problem cooling computers as they exited a wave soldering machine. In order to be handled and tested, the computers needed to be cooled to 27°C. Initially, ...
Cut, blow and spray for cars? June 2007 Car bodies are primer coated, then sanded before entering the paint booth. Priming dust, attracted to the car body by a static charge, creates imperfections that are captured and magnified in the painting ...
Sawmill optimisation can save millions May 2007 Sawmills in particular can benefit from a constant system pressure and the correct setting for cylinder end position cushioning
ETEST ions out static May 2007 Materials such as paper, plastic or textiles normally contain an equal amount of positive and negative charge - that is, they are electrically balanced. Friction can cause static build-up.
Problems caused ...
Exair blowoff saves energy May 2007 To keep energy costs down compressed air systems require proper maintenance, but an equally important factor is proper usage. For proper blowoff selection it is important to consider: * Efficient air ...
Controller coordination is EasyIP May 2007, Festo South Africa Festo, the pneumatic and mechatronics specialist, has completed an installation for a French packaging machine company. The company manufactures machines that make both traditional blister pack lines ...
Are automation and manual labour mutually exclusive? May 2007, Festo South Africa Business regularly bemoans the high costs associated with labour (especially inefficient labour). One of the weapons in the corporate armoury of cost-cutting is often automation, which directly results ...
Filtec uses Festo components in new filler April 2007, Festo South Africa Filtec Automation (KwaZulu-Natal), an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specialising in filling systems and equipment, has reaffirmed its preference for Festo pneumatic and control components, following ...
Metlime's new wash plant cleans up April 2007 Limestone coming from Metlime's R10m new wash plant, designed by Gauteng engineering firm Thuthuka Group (TGL), is of a far superior quality to that supplied previously. That is the feedback from the ...
Innovative air shield keeps lenses clean April 2007 Automotive glass is tempered by subjecting it to a series of heating and quenching operations. To maintain a uniform glass temperature an infrared scanner monitors temperature across the glass surface ...
Cold gun cools lasers and tool tips April 2007 Exair's high power cold gun produces a stream of -7°C air to reduce heat build in laser cutting and a wide variety of machining operations. The high power gun has greater cooling capability than an ordinary ...
Sanitising playland balls March 2007 Restaurants and fun centres often have a cage full of plastic balls for children to romp around in. The balls are periodically cleaned by a service using truck-mounted sanitising equipment. Service personnel ...
Move high volumes and resist wear March 2007 The new Heavy Duty Line Vac is EXAIR's most powerful conveyor. The appearance is similar to the standard Line Vac but performance has been boosted dramatically. The Heavy Duty Line Vac has been engineered ...
Efficient compressed air usage February 2001 When using compressed air for cleaning, drying and many other applications, air knife technology is significantly superior to plain round nozzles and holes drilled in pipes.
For example, with the pressure ...
Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic industrial control components February 2007 Fairchild Industrial Products Company manufactures precision, high quality pneumatic and electro-pneumatic industrial control components for leading manufacturers. For more than 50 years, the company ...
Vacuum generators the answer to greater efficiency February 2007, Festo South Africa Pneumatics specialist Festo is breaking new ground with solutions for efficient vacuum generation. Significant savings can be made when it comes to vacuum generation by using a decentralised solution. ...