Durag’s burner control system April 2014 The Durag D-GF 150 burner control system controls and monitors gas and oil burners of any capacity. The control functions include prepurge, ignition and solenoid valve control, through to the enabling ...
Handheld radiation isotope identifiers April 2014 Thermo Scientific supplies the advanced and highly intuitive RIIDEye handheld isotopic identifiers. They provide real-time gamma source identification based on Thermo Fisher Scientific’s patented quadratic ...
Combustion analyser for flue gas April 2014 The reliable measurement of excess oxygen in a fired heater or boiler has always been critical for efficient combustion and process optimisation. The Thermox WDG-V combustion analyser can measure oxygen, ...
Reliable on-line analysers with automatic calibration March 2014, Microsep Mettler Toledo Thornton’s 2300Na sodium and 2800Si silica analysers provide efficient and reliable monitoring of low contaminant concentrations for power cycle chemistry and water treatment applications. ...
Mercury monitoring in a cement kiln application March 2014 This application note discusses the adaptability of the Mercury Freedom System to the unique conditions in a cement plant. Results from a series of installations in cement plants are discussed in relation ...
No more waste in the dairy February 2014, Endress+Hauser South Africa CIP cleaning is mandatory for most food processes. But when can the product be used for filling again after cleaning? Every litre of milk lost to wastewater hurts in a dairy.
In CIP cleaning, the system ...
Portable combustion gas and emissions analyser February 2014 With up to nine gas sensors, the new E8500 combustion analyser from E Instruments International is a portable tool for complete EPA compliance level emissions monitoring and testing. It is ideal for regulatory ...
Thermo Scientific Orion Star meters January 2014, Labotec The Thermo Scientific Orion Star A and Versa Star range of meters consists of 24 models designed to handle any type of sample anywhere. They have been specifically designed to meet any potential application ...
Vaisala’s GMW90 the ultimate tool for HVAC professionals January 2014, WIKA Instruments The GMW90 is the ultimate tool for HVAC professionals looking for an easy-to-use, hassle-free solution to carbon dioxide measurements. Customer feedback played a vital role in developing the GMW90, a ...
Wireless radiation detection for grapple installation January 2014 The new Thermo Scientific RadEye GR 2010 series provides a grapple-mounted radiation detection capability to minimise the threat of radioactive material in a scrap metal stream. The detector is ruggedly ...
Monitor climate and building air quality with Hygroguard January 2014, Labotec The Novasina HygroGuard 30 standard data-logger was developed for climate and air quality monitoring of buildings and climate sensitive production process to offer versatile precision measurement and ...
Determination of wear metals using Prodigy7 January 2014, Elemental Analytics Wear metals analysis, using Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometers (ICP-OES), has been an important component of predictive maintenance programmes for many years. Oil-based materials, such as engine ...
New on-line process liquid and slurry concentration analyser December 2013, Ansyco SA Until recently most on-line liquid analysis applications were done by analysers based on automated titrations. These analysers required up to four different consumable chemicals prepared with ultra-pure ...
Analyser for combustion process control December 2013 The Ametek Thermox WDG-V combustion analyser provides a complete solution for combustion process control and process control safety applications. The close-coupled extractive combustion analyser measures ...
Portable meter with ATEX approval December 2013, Mecosa Knick’s Portavo 904 (X) line of portable meters for pH values, conductivity and oxygen feature an ATEX approval for zones 0 and 1, thereby allowing users to monitor process measuring points in hazardous ...
Continuous online moisture analysis system November 2013, Protea Automation Solutions Moisttech’s CCS3000 is a revolutionary non-hazardous approach to moisture analysis for some of the toughest applications in the mining and minerals industry. Molecular bonds such as those found in water ...
Measure natural gas, hydrogen and oxygen together November 2013 RMG by Honeywell has introduced the PGC 9303 process gas chromatograph, the first device that allows operators to measure the quality of natural gas with hydrogen and oxygen components in a single instrument. ...
Dissolved oxygen monitor for the brewing process November 2013, Mecosa It is important that dissolved oxygen be monitored continuously during the brewing process. Since some classical sensors tend to give faulty readings after stop-of-flow or CIP cycles, optical sensors ...