The Durban branch technology meeting was moved to the second Wednesday in April to accommodate the availability of overseas Cyber Security expert, Jay Abdallah, from Schneider Electric.
Chairman Hennie Prinsloo (left) thanking Jay Abdallah from Schneider for his presentation.
Abdallah received a BS: Applied Science and Technology at Thomas Edison State University in the USA and over his 18 years of experience in the field he has specialised in industrial control systems: cyber security engineering, advanced network/systems security consulting, enterprise-class information technology architecture and design, and compliance and risk analysis, solutions design/implementation.
Hennie Prinsloo proudly revealed the new banners for 2016 which reflect the new Durban Branch Patrons. The Durban committee would like to thank: Krohne, Gail Norton Instrumentation Agencies, Alpine Instruments, Proconics, Endress+Hauser, WIKA, Unitronics/Eastcoast Solutions, ICA, Pulse Control Systems, UIC Instrumentation, NIC Instruments and Valve & Automation for their continued and valued support.
Security commitment, as well as the recommended layers of defence, were discussed at length. Abdallah stressed the importance of maintaining an infrastructure post-implementation and the criticality of privacy and confidentially, notably basics like keeping obscure passwords secret. His talk on the subject was both informative and entertaining. He illustrated his talk with many examples to show how we are vulnerable to cyber attack, and how individual people’s actions are a major weakness in defence against it. There were many questions from his large audience, and his answers were greatly appreciated.
John de Castro also gave a short presentation to the meeting. He reviewed the electronic voting system that is used for Durban committee elections and showed proposed improvements that are being incorporated for future use. The system has proved far more inclusive than the use of a ballot by those present in person or by proxy at Annual General Meetings, and also reduced the length of those meetings. Members present approved the proposed improvements to the voting system.
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