Universal Measurement & Control

Tel: +27 12 001 9590
Email: [email protected]
www: www.universalmc.co.za
more information about Universal Measurement & Control

Unplanned downtime a thing of the past
November 2016, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

Mining company accelerates startup, increases production and reduces costs with PlantCruise distributed control solution.
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Increasing the value of automation for wastewater projects
October 2016, System Integration & Control Systems Design

In an uncertain economic environment, water and wastewater plants strive to be efficient, cost-effective and reliable. Every facility needs to maximise its performance and availability. For the economic ...
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Pipe provers vs. small volume provers
September 2016, Flow Measurement & Control

Long-term thinking for better custody transfer solutions.
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Experion PlantCruise now available in southern Africa
September 2016, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

Universal Measurement and Control has introduced Honeywell’s Experion PlantCruise to the local market, a purpose-built DCS for small to mid-size operations with continuous and batch process control applications. In ...
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A new Honeywell distributor
August 2016, News

Universal Measurement and Control (UMC) has been appointed as the sole distributor of Honeywell Modular Systems and Honeywell Enraf in South Africa. The Honeywell Enraf portfolio consists of custody transfer ...
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