Beckhoff Automation

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more information about Beckhoff Automation

TwinCAT supports communication standard for telecontrol
February 2007, Data Acquisition & Telemetry

In Europe, communication between telecontrol master stations and substations is generally based on standardised IEC 60870-5 protocols. Standard 101 has been defined for serial communication and standard ...
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High signal density in compact housing
February 2007, Fieldbus & Industrial Networking

The new, ultra compact IE2808 IP-Link Extension Box offers 16 digital 24 V d.c. outputs at a low price per channel. It is ideally suited for direct connection to valve terminals, for example. Each channel ...
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Beckhoff technology used in production of BMW 3 series axles
January 2007, System Integration & Control Systems Design

The assembly lines for the front and rear axles of the BMW 3 series E90 model were conceptualised, designed, installed and commissioned by Jendamark Automation, system integrator for Beckhoff products in South Africa
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