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Johannesburg branch news
April 2007, SAIMC

The first meeting of the year was held on 21 February at the Rivonia Recreation Club and combined our branch AGM with the normal monthly meeting. Paulo da Silva, acting branch chairman, presented the ...
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SAIMC Zambia 2007 AGM
April 2007, SAIMC

The Branch held its AGM at Hotel Edinburgh, Kitwe, on 4 March 2007. The new Executive voted in is Titus Tito: chairman, Ardon Kabalu: vice chairman, Leo Chikasa, secretary, Rodgers Kayombo: treasurer, ...
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Secunda branch news
March 2007, SAIMC

Let us first get to the point of most concern. I do not think for one moment that this will ever be published and at this moment it is of small concern, but if it is it will focus on the real issues that ...
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Zambian branch calendar 2007
March 2007, SAIMC

March    4: Branch AGM.    27: Technical presentation by Radomon - RSA.       April    8: Branch meeting.    13: Site visit to Indeni, Ndola.       May    1: 3rd Branch Establishment Anniversary.       June 10: Branch ...
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From the president's desk
February 2007, SAIMC

Having recently toured the South African and Zambian branches, and attended their banquets for 2006, I am encouraged by the strong support of the members, patrons and others.    As I have said many times, ...
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SAIMC Zambia 2006: Annual Banquet - Hotel Edinburgh, Kitwe
February 2007, SAIMC

The SAIMC 2006 Annual Banquet was the big success of the year for the Branch! It was once again a nice time for members of the measurement and control community in Zambia and the southern Africa region ...
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Secunda branch news
January 2007, SAIMC

It is about time that the Secunda Branch used some of the space to provide some report on the happenings here in the Teks area. For the whole of last year not one report has seen the light and this can ...
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Johannesburg branch golf day
January 2007, SAIMC

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The SAIMC steps up a gear
November 2005, SAIMC

The South African Institute of Measurement and Control (SAIMC), the official body representing the South African measurement, automation and control industries is increasing its efforts to give members ...
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