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more information about SAIMC

Vaal Triangle branch
July 2008, SAIMC

During the May SAIMC meeting in Vanderbijlpark we were fortunate to have Andre Joubert from Sasol R&D who presented findings from his recent study on 'Asset management as part of preventative maintenance ...
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Cape Town branch
July 2008, SAIMC

In June we held our first technology evening. The speaker was Alex Willemse Jnr, Alpret Control Specialists, product specialist on Asset Optimisations, and his subject was Wireless Technology, Wireless ...
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Engineers need to act now
June 2008, SAIMC

The qualifications of engineers, technologists and technicians who register in South Africa after the policy has been enacted may no longer be recognised or accepted outside South Africa
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From the president's desk
June 2008, SAIMC

A friend and past president of the SAIMC contacted me today to let me know that he is back in the IM&C field, welcome back Johan Steyn! I hope that you will, as in the past, add value to the SAIMC and our ...
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Cape Town branch news
June 2008, SAIMC

Greetings to all other SAIMC branches from the fair city of Cape Town. Take note that the Cape Town Branch is back in business, following our AGM, which was held in May. Chevron kindly hosted us and provided ...
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Johannesburg branch news
June 2008, SAIMC

In April we held our first technology evening of 2008. Our speaker for the evening was Dick Perry of Fluor presenting an overview of effective alarm management and the status of the draft ISA 18.02 titled ...
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Durban branch news
June 2008, SAIMC

At the May meeting we were pleased to welcome Johan van Jarsveldt to Durban to give his presentation: 'Can tank gauging be used in RSA as legal metrology?' Johan is Petrochemical industry manager for ...
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From the president's desk
May 2008, SAIMC

Some changes and improvements are planned for the Durban and Cape Town regions. The Cape Town region is barely alive but with the new energy and focus that the SAIMC has, we are taking pro-active steps ...
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Johannesburg branch news
May 2008, SAIMC

On 12 March 2008 we hosted the Council Annual General Meeting with attendance from the other SAIMC branches. As per tradition our speaker was the incoming SAIMC president Paulo da Silva who made his address ...
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From the president's desk
April 2008, SAIMC

It is time for the SAIMC to get a face lift. I am honoured for the privilege given to me to try and guide the SAIMC in a new direction. Welcome to my first president’s report. You will be able to keep ...
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Vaal Triangle branch news
April 2008, SAIMC

Yes, we are still going strong in the Vaal Triangle and getting better and better. The March meeting started with Karl Engelbrecht (Vaal SAIMC Chairman) welcoming Edwin Bauer, Clinton Jensen and Calvin ...
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Durban branch presentation
April 2008, SAIMC

SAIMC Durban branch presentation – 9 April, 2008. Achieving commercial bid compliance – Prepared by Jonathan Lee, presented by Patrick Ellapen. Venue – Electrical engineering building, University KZN. ...
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