Tel: +27 11 312 2445
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more information about SAIMC

SAIMC: Memos from Ken Baker
October 2023, SAIMC

Ken Baker, a former president and long-time member of SAIMC, shares his memories of his career and his time with SAIMC.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO
September 2023, SAIMC

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a crucial aspect of the formalisation of the engineering industry in South Africa. To facilitate CPD, ECSA has established two bodies: the CPD Licensed Body and the CPD Service Provider. SAIMC has successfully applied for and registered as a CPD Licensed Body with ECSA.
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SAIMC Ladies Celebration
September 2023, SAIMC

The committee of the SAIMC Johannesburg branch recently hosted a Ladies Celebration to celebrate International Women’s Month.
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SAIMC: Secunda branch
September 2023, SAIMC

The SAIMC Secunda branch held its monthly technology evening on 12 July 2023 at the Proconics Secunda office.
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SAIMC: Zambia branch
September 2023, SAIMC

SAIMC Zambia branch recently held a technical presentation on variable frequency and variable speed drives for Copperbelt University students.
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SAIMC: Durban branch
September 2023, SAIMC

The August technology meeting of the Durban branch of the SAIMC was kindly sponsored by Yokogawa. The topic of the evening was gas analysers and the environment, and was presented by Renier van Rooyen.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO
August 2023, SAIMC

In our world of ‘equal representation’, mathematical models of gender, race etc. are often used by those seeking the masses’ approval, without understanding the complexity of the issues they are dealing with. One of those are women in engineering.
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SAIMC: Durban branch
August 2023, SAIMC

The Durban branch of the SAIMC held their monthly technology meeting on 5 July at the Premier Splendid Hotel, as always.
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: Another new engineering discipline
July 2023, SAIMC

In South Africa ECSA defines the various engineering disciplines within which professionals may register. These names may not always be the names that the industry would prefer. One of these names is ‘computer engineering’, which is quite misleading.
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SAIMC: Durban branch
July 2023, SAIMC

The June technology meeting for the Durban branch of the SAIMC was held as usual at the Premier Splendid Inn in Pinetown. An intrigued audience listened attentively whilst Dhilkash Bahadur from ifm took everyone through his presentation on the evolution of vision systems and how it is shaping the next (fifth) industrial revolution.
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Kim Roberts: The new editor of SA Instrumentation & Control magazine
June 2023, Technews Publishing (SA Instrumentation & Control), News

The directors of Technews Publishing are thrilled to announce the appointment of Kim Roberts as the new editor of the official publication of The Society for Automation Instrumentation Mechatronics and Control (SAIMC)
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SAIMC: From the office of the CEO: SAIMC Code of Conduct
June 2023, SAIMC

We often hear concerns that the SAIMC has members from various types of companies, including suppliers, and that this could lead to unethical practices.
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