WEG Africa

Tel: +27 11 723 6000
Email: [email protected]
www: www.weg.net
more information about WEG Africa

Reflecting 30 years of growth
May 2024, News

Starting out in 1994 to serve the metropolitan area with a range of low-voltage electric motors, WEG Africa’s Cape Town branch has grown. Testament to this is the fact that it has again outgrown its premises, and last year relocated to larger, well-equipped facilities in Richmond Business Park.
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Understanding standby, prime, and continuous gensets
March 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

The increasing reliance of South African businesses on generator sets to mitigate power disruptions highlights a crucial need for proper selection based on specific operational demands.
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WEG Africa applauds energy standards for motor efficiency
February 2024, Editor's Choice, Electrical Power & Protection

In a country where most electric motors are not energy efficient, the announcement by South Africa’s government of its plans to introduce Minimum Energy Performance Standards is not a day too soon.
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Motors and drives for South Africa’s energy solution
January 2024, Motion Control & Drives

With the continued energy problems being experienced in South Africa, motors and drives are set to play an ever more crucial role in industry’s energy solution strategy. WEG Africa has the knowledge and expertise, and the technology solutions to assist operations in reducing their operating costs and increasing their productivity, while guarding their energy security.
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WEG Africa supplies e-house package for Sasol gas project
January 2024, Electrical Power & Protection

A large complete substation E-house locally manufactured by WEG Africa will help power Sasol’s Upstream PSA project currently under construction in the Inhambane Province of southern Mozambique.
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Petrok supports WEG growth in Uganda
October 2023, News

As part of its drive to expand the WEG footprint in East African markets, WEG is taking significant steps to increase its presence in Uganda by partnering with the company Petrok as its value added reseller.
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WEG partners with Panaco in the DRC
September 2023, Motion Control & Drives

The strengthened presence of WEG in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), through its strategic alliance with ts value-added reseller (VAR) Panaco, has proved to be highly successful.
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Large WEG motors on oil rigs
July 2023, Motion Control & Drives

Classified as hazardous areas, offshore oil rigs require that any equipment installed on them is certified accordingly – including electric motors to drive critical gas compressors. WEG electric motors ...
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Trend to toward larger power plant solutions
July 2023, Electrical Power & Protection

Whether companies need power to survive loadshedding or to raise their production output, the trend is for their power generating systems to get bigger.
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How WEG VSD technology can help deal with loadshedding
July 2023, Editor's Choice, Motion Control & Drives

Variable speed drives (VSDs) are generally considered as vital contributors to energy efficiency, but they also have features that can reduce the operational disruptions caused by loadshedding.
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Zest WEG‘s manufacturing capability
March 2023, News

Over the past 12 years Zest WEG, the South African subsidiary of Brazilian motor and controls manufacturer WEG, has evolved from being primarily a sales and distribution company to a fully-fledged manufacturer ...
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Greater efficiency with WEG motors
March 2023, Motion Control & Drives

Taking proactive steps to become more energy efficient, South African water utility ERWAT is installing WEG IE3 top premium efficiency and WEG IE4 super premium efficiency motors from Zest WEG. The motors – from WEG’s popular W22 range – will assist in reducing the impact of rising electricity costs and lower the total cost of ownership.
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