Technews Publishing (SA Instrumentation & Control)

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From the editor's desk: Quantum sensors might soon be commercially available
May 2021, News

In 1927, at a conference in Brussels, a new theory burst onto the scene. The literati of the day’s theoretical physicists had gathered to hammer out an accurate description of the nature of matter on ...
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From the editor's desk: Sustainability – the holy grail of digital transformation
April 2021, News

As we head into our post-pandemic future, one of the morals we are left with is the importance of sustainability in business. So, while industry leaders ponder how best to incorporate sustainability into ...
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February 2021, Valve & Automation, News

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From the editor's desk: Automating the food supply chain now a priority
February 2021, News

While the world rests in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, maintaining an efficient food supply chain has become progressively more difficult. Given that social distancing and other health and safety ...
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From the editor's desk: Hardwired to survive, can we beat coronavirus in 2021?
January 2021, News

According to the Smithsonian, it was around four million years ago that our earliest ancestors broke the evolutionary mould and walked upright for the very first time. Over the course of the next few ...
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From the editor's desk: Isolation economy could quicken the pace of 4IR adoption
November 2020, News

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted a problem that the manufacturing industry was already uncomfortably aware of – its traditional ecosystems are too cumbersome to cope with the variety of choice ...
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From the editor's desk: AI in manufacturing and a virtual exhibition booth
October 2020, News

Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen by many as the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), yet its vision is not fundamentally new. The ideas have been around since the mid 1950s, but progress ...
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From the editor's desk: Digital transformation or the way of the dinosaur?
September 2020, News

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) recently had its fair share of exposure in South African industry circles. First, the German & EU Chamber’s Working Group Industry 4.0 kicked off a series of online ...
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From the editor's desk: Digital twins are the means not the end
August 2020, News

One of the more ethereal ideas introduced by Industry 4.0 is that of the digital twin. Actually, the idea of the twin is not new and has been around since NASA introduced the first virtual environment ...
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From the editor's desk: Coronavirus pulls the trigger on digital transformation
July 2020, News

The general consensus among economists is that the disruption to global markets caused by the coronavirus pandemic is going to result in economic upheaval of proportions not seen since the disastrous ...
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From the editor's desk: The virtual business assistant
May 2020, Editor's Choice

Have you ever wished someone would automate the daily grind of routine tasks and set you free to focus on the more engaging aspects of your job?
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From the editor's desk: The virtual business assistant
June 2020, Editor's Choice

Enter robotic process automation (RPA), a disruptive workplace technology that uses software “robots” to mimic many of the repetitive interactions human beings have with their computers. It performs such ...
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