Technews Publishing (SA Instrumentation & Control)

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Eskom - all stick and no carrot?
April 2008, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

As South African energy costs continue to escalate, those local companies that have their eco-ducks in a row will be ready to meet these changes head-on. The companies that do not... well, they probably will not be in business for much longer.
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Catch them young
April 2008, News

Before a school-going learner can aspire to a particular career and select an appropriate tertiary education path he or she needs to know that such a career exists. Youngsters of today become aware of ...
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Asset management systems: building on smart instrumentation
March 2008, SCADA/HMI

Asset management systems combine capabilities to offer human machine interface (HMI) configuration, device management, configuration and calibration, asset monitoring, optimisation and reporting
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A great innings and infrastructural investment
March 2008, News

A hundred not out! In this month’s issue we publish Michael Brown’s one hundredth control loop case history. Mike began his new career in loop tuning and optimisation in 1989 when a friend of his, who ...
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Computers in pharmaceutical manufacturing: are your systems and processes compliant?
February 2008, SCADA/HMI

The change in FDA philosophy initiated in 2003 from a prescriptive paper-trail compliance approach to a risk-assessment based approach has become a driver of regulatory transformation
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Recycling, politics and prosperity
February 2008, News

Recycling engineers With the ever-present mantra of 'skills shortages' perhaps we should take a leaf, if you will excuse the pun, from the green environment movement. The essence of this movement's philosophy ...
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The year ahead
January 2008, News

Well, here we are in a new year with opportunities for new beginnings. What we can expect in 2008 as I&C practitioners. What should we be looking out for and where should we be directing our attention this ...
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Market mechanisms and shuttle safety
December 2007, News

Market mechanisms and skills In a capitalist society the driving forces are of an economic nature. The price and availability of goods and services are primarily determined by supply and demand; and ...
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Change and open systems
November 2007, News

"Change is inevitable, growth is intentional." Glenda Cloud The Web is a fantastic resource. I was looking for a quote on `change' with which to open this month's editorial comment and up popped the ...
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Chocolate, collaboration and currency
October 2007, News

The new CD-ROM, ISA-99 Security Guidelines and User Resources for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, contains critical industry technical reports, reference books, and resource papers: an important ...
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Alarm management: a critical part of control engineering
September 2007, Operator Interfaces, Switches & Relays

As in most engineering disciplines there are bodies of standards, recommended practices and regulations which help to manage the process of alarm engineering
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Microgenerators and macroeconomics
September 2007, News

One of the great things about being editor of a technology magazine is that someone actually pays me to keep up to date with technology and the businesses in this field - and I come across some fascinating ...
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