Moore Process Controls

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more information about Moore Process Controls

Moore Process Controls acquires Matrikon agency
April 2006, News

The Industrial Automation, scada and Process Control security conference (Johannesburg: 23 and 24 August 2006) will be of interest to any organisation that relies on industrial automation for growth and ...
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Advanced compressor control
May 2002, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

A properly implemented compressor control system increases availability by preventing unnecessary process trips, minimising process disturbances, preventing surge and surge damage, automating start-up and shutdowns
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New Profibus fieldbus module gets agency approval
April 2002, Fieldbus & Industrial Networking

The PFM (Profibus Fieldbus Module) connects the APACS+ process automation system to Profibus - a high-speed, digital two-way serial communication bus. Profibus technology offers a wide range of applications ...
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Steel giant cuts its operating costs
March 2002, SCADA/HMI

"Enterprise Link is the ideal two-way communication 'gateway' between InSQL Server and the management information system."
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Compressor optimisation and surge elimination
January 2001, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

The Moore PAC 353 controller is a standalone, microprocessor-based industrial controller designed for a brand range of process applications
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Minimising limitations imposed by proprietary systems
November 2000, SCADA/HMI

APACS+ is an OPC-compliant system that enjoys bidirectional communication with other OPC-compliant equipment which minimises the limitations imposed by proprietary systems
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Cutting spent on PLCs by half
September 2000, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

The application supports a wide variety of cause types, up to three inputs per cause and a variety of logic functions to be performed on the inputs to generate the cause
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A pressure transmitter certified for availability and safety
July 2000, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring

Thus, conventional transmitters and switches can severely compromise a system's integrity. The Moore XTC critical transmitter is TöV certified for high availability and safety applications. The critical ...
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Digital field-mounted controller
May 2000, PLCs, DCSs & Controllers

In the early days of process control, loop controllers had direct process inputs and pneumatic outputs and they were mounted close to the process. This provided the lowest installation cost and the greatest ...
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