Michael Brown Control Engineering

Email: [email protected]
www: www.controlloop.co.za
more information about Michael Brown Control Engineering

Control loop case history 128
November 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Why use a base layer control system.
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Michael Brown's practical control courses in November
October 2012, Training & Education

Michael Brown is holding another series of his well known courses on practical process control. The courses are unique and invaluable to novices, as well as to experienced practitioners in the field of ...
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Control loop case history 127
September 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Reasons for severe control problems in mines.
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Michael Brown's practical control courses in August
July 2012, Training & Education

Michael Brown is holding another series of his well known courses on practical process control. The courses are unique and invaluable to novices, as well as to exper­ienced practitioners in the field ...
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Control loop case history 126: Crazy control strategies
July 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Crazy control strategies.
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Michael Brown's practical control courses in August
June 2012, Training & Education

Michael Brown is holding another series of his well known courses on practical process control. The courses are unique and invaluable to novices, as well as to experienced practitioners in the field of ...
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Control loop case history 125
May 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Party tricks for the control engineer
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Michael Brown's practical control courses
March 2012, Training & Education

Michael Brown is holding another series of his well known courses on practical process control. The courses are unique and invaluable to novices, as well as to experienced practitioners in the field of ...
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Control loop: case history 124 - no control problems in a perfect process plant!
March 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

No control problems in a perfect process plant!
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Control loop case history 123
January 2012, System Integration & Control Systems Design

I was recently requested to do a control performance audit on a mine situated in the Sahara Desert. The mine is run by expatriates from South Africa, Australia, USA, Philippines, France, Germany and Britain ...
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Control loop case history 122: Boiler drum level control: Part 2 - controlling swell and shrink
November 2011, System Integration & Control Systems Design

Basic configuration and test results of three-element control
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Michael Brown's practical control courses
October 2011, Training & Education

Michael Brown is holding another series of his well known courses on practical process control. The courses are unique and invaluable to novices, as well as to experienced practitioners in the field of ...
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