Editor's Choice

VEGA fights incorrect measurements

January 2025 Editor's Choice

Is dynamic range in sensors that important? When thinking about evolution, not many will consider the bat species Microchiroptera.

These mammals have one of the most sophisticated echo-locating systems, allowing them to navigate and hunt in total darkness by detecting even the smallest insects. Radar sensors work on a similar principle. The greater their dynamic range, the better their ability to measure levels accurately.

In challenging conditions, such condensation builds up on the sensor’s antenna, or when measuring poorly reflective media,

dynamic range becomes imperative. Radar sensors with a higher dynamic range have the sensitivity to detect even the smallest signals. VEGA’s 80 GHz radar sensors, with their 120 dB dynamic range, ensure full visibility in all process conditions, overcoming interference and obstacles that standard sensors find challenging.

Among bats, there are significant variations in their echo-locating capabilities, and all radar sensors are created equal. The loudest bats can reach echo levels of up to 120 dB, like VEGA’s VEGAPULS 6X. This instrument offers unmatched performance with its high dynamic range, and can accurately measure levels even in media with low reflectivity, handling complex situations such as foam, turbulent surfaces, condensation or buildup on the antenna.

To understand the significance of dynamic range, it is essential to keep in mind these key points:

• Decibels represent a ratio that describes power levels by comparing two quantities. This is a logarithmic scale, meaning each additional dB increases the total value exponentially. An increase of 3 dB doubles the power, while an additional 60 dB multiplies the power by a factor of one million.

• Standard 26-GHz radar sensors have a dynamic range of around 90 dB, whereas VEGA’s 80-GHz sensors offer a dynamic range of 120 dB. This 30 dB variance results in a 1000-fold enhancement in dynamic performance, delivering exceptional sensitivity.

• A dynamic range of 120 dB enables sensors to detect even the faintest reflections, which is vital when measuring materials with low dielectric constants like polystyrene beads or fine-particle silica, traditionally difficult to measure.

Applications of high dynamic range

Sensors with a large dynamic range excel at measuring through glass or perspex. Glass creates a dielectric dampening effect, reducing the radar signal’s strength as it passes through. High dynamic range radar sensors like the VEGAPULS 6X can overcome this dampening, enabling accurate measurements even through glass windows or plastic vessels. Foam, particularly in industrial processes like those in chemical and mining industries, can block or weaken measurement signals. The shorter wavelength of 80-GHz radar sensors means they are more susceptible to signal attenuation by foam. The VEGAPULS 6X sensors’ high dynamic range compensates for this, allowing it to detect even the most attenuated signals, making it ideal for applications involving foam.

The long and short

The dynamic range of radar sensors plays a critical role in determining how well a sensor can perform in challenging conditions. VEGAPULS 6X and its industry-leading 120 dB dynamic range ensure that even in the most difficult measurement environments, such as through foam, glass, or low-reflective media, accurate and reliable level measurements can be achieved. It not only enhances visibility, but also significantly improves the reliability and efficiency of level measurement processes. To fight against inaccurate level measurements, VEGAPULS 6X is the weapon of choice.

For more information contact VEGA Controls SA, +27 11 795 3249, [email protected], www.vega.com


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