This newsletter is your (Secunda SAIMC member) mouthpiece. We welcome any contributions, even if they are in the form of criticism. This will hopefully lead to discussions that will improve the way we are functioning and further the interests of the SAIMC.
For those who do not know the motto of the Institute: Cohibendo Proficere, means Progress by Control.
I do not know how many of our members have looked at the constitution and so for those who have not I would like to show the Vision, Mission, and Core values and invite you to comment on whether the Institute is living up to this. Just remember the Institute is not just council and branch committee members but all of us who belong to the Institute.
Branch news
The visit to ATC in Brits was very informative. The members who participated would like to thank ATC for this enjoyable and very interesting tour of their facilities. They have indicated that they are more than willing to do a presentation at one of our technology evenings. It boggles the mind when they tell you that a 1,5 m glass rod of about 50 mm is heated and extruded to over 100 km in length.
Some members have indicated that a visit to a steel mill will be of interest. I have made contact with Columbus in Middleburg and will arrange such a visit if I receive an e-mail indicating interest from at least eight members. After this there will be one last field trip, which is a joint venture between Secunda and Jo'burg branches, on 11 November to the pressure, temperature and flow labs of TSI (Eskom).
Do not forget about the Year-end Function. Contact your branch for more information.
Project management
This is something that many of our members do to a greater or lesser extent and a copy of the first part of a course that is running in the Sunday Times will be sent to you. The rest of the course will be forwarded on a weekly basis as they are published.
SAIMC vision, mission, core values, powers and limitations.
To be the Institute of choice, serving the needs of its members and stakeholders in the development of the measurement and control industry.
To advance the standards of theory and practice in the fields of measurement and control through:
* The achievement of the highest possible industry recognition for the Institute and its members.
* Enhancing the stature and status of members and patrons.
* Encouraging recruitment in the industry.
* Ensuring that adequate standards of education, and appropriate curricula are available at secondary and tertiary levels of education, and promoting mentorship programmes.
* Encouraging continuing education and training to ensure that the knowledge and skills of all members are continually developed and refreshed.
* Providing a communication forum for the regular exchange of ideas, applications and technologies between members.
* Promoting, locally and internationally, friendships, alliances and business opportunities at all levels in professional yet informal surroundings.
* Disseminating and communicating relevant information for the members and stakeholders in a controlled and co-ordinated manner.
* Maintaining a library of relevant books, publications and periodicals, and other sources of information including the Institute's website.
* To develop and improve, through effective means, the necessary terminology and standards in measurement and control theory and technology.
* The provision of an administrative system that will at all times ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Institute.
Core values
* To practice open and free communications responsibly.
* To strive to create an environment in which ideas and progress can be cultivated.
* To operate in an open and transparent atmosphere, continuously challenging and improving our relevance to our members and the industry.
* To strive to contribute to the upliftment and wellbeing of all groups in southern Africa, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, by promoting career prospects and advancement in all directions of the measurement and control industries.
* To maintain and improve standards and quality systems associated with the industry.
Piet van Rensburg,
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